.Net C# 集合
ArrayList 当需要大小可按需动态增加,并希望通过索引来进行访问的数组的时候,使用ArrayList ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();
myAL.Add("Hello"); myAL.Add("World"); myAL.Add("!"); Console.WriteLine(myAL[0] + myAL[1] + myAL[2] Stack 当需要一个能实现后进先出的集合时,使用Stack // Creates and initializes a new Stack.
Stack myStack = new Stack(); myStack.Push("Hello"); myStack.Push("World"); myStack.Push("!"); // Displays the properties and values of the Stack. Console.WriteLine( "myStack" ); Console.WriteLine( "\tCount: {0}", myStack.Count ); Console.Write( "\tValues:" ); System.Collections.IEnumerator myEnumerator = myStack.GetEnumerator(); while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() ) Console.Write( "\t{0}", myEnumerator.Current); Console.WriteLine();
当需要一个先进先出的集合时,使用Queue // Creates and initializes a new Queue.
Queue myQ = new Queue(); myQ.Enqueue("Hello"); myQ.Enqueue("World"); myQ.Enqueue("!"); // Displays the properties and values of the Queue. Console.WriteLine( "myQ" ); Console.WriteLine( "\tCount: {0}", myQ.Count ); Console.Write( "\tValues:" ); Hashtable 当需要一个可以按Key值来查询的数组是,使用Hashtable // Creates and initializes a new Hashtable.
Hashtable myHT = new Hashtable(); myHT.Add("First", "Hello"); myHT.Add("Second", "World"); myHT.Add("Third", "!"); // Displays the properties and values of the Hashtable. Console.WriteLine( "myHT" ); Console.WriteLine( "\tCount: {0}", myHT.Count ); Console.WriteLine( "\t Values:" ); IDictionaryEnumerator myEnumerator = myHT.GetEnumerator(); Console.WriteLine( "\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-" ); while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() ) Console.WriteLine("\t{0}:\t{1}", myEnumerator.Key, myEnumerator.Value); Console.WriteLine(); 当然,除了.Net自定义的这些集合外,也可以通过实现IList,ICollection,IEnumerable来定义自己集合类,如:DataTable.Rows就是实现ICollection,IEnumerable接口。但这样的工作比较繁琐,需要实现的方法很多,还要考虑存储和索引,所以通常的做法是直接继承自ArrayList , Stack , Queue , HashTable,进一步封装,如: public class Users:ArrayList
{ public Users() { } public new User this[int index] { get { return (User)(base[index]); } set { base[index] = value; } } public int Add(User value) { return base.Add(value); } } public class User
{ public User() { // // TODO: Add constructor logic here // } private string m_strName; private int m_intAge; private string m_strEmail; public string Name { get { return this.m_strName; } set { this.m_strName = value; } } public int Age { get { return this.m_intAge; } set { this.m_intAge = value; } } public string Eamil { get { return this.m_strEmail; } set { this.m_strEmail = value; } } } 这样既增加了可读性,实现起来也容易,使用起来也方便,可以直接使用objUsers[0].Name来访问 |