$(document).ready(function() {

        type: 'GET',
        url: 'http://wncrunners.com/admin/colors.json' ,
        dataType: 'jsonp', 
        success: function(data) { 

  });//end document.ready
最简单的Jsnop请求 确报Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :


You've told jQuery to expect a JSONP response, which is why jQuery has added the callback=jQuery16406345664265099913_1319854793396&_=1319854793399 part to the URL (you can see this in your dump of the request).

What you're returning is JSON, not JSONP. Your response looks like

{"red" : "#f00"}

and jQuery is expecting something like this:

jQuery16406345664265099913_1319854793396({"red" : "#f00"})

If you actually need to use JSONP to get around the same origin policy, then the server serving colors.json needs to be able to actually return a JSONP response.

If the same origin policy isn't an issue for your application, then you just need to fix the dataType in your jQuery.ajax call to be json instead of jsonp.

posted on 2016-09-14 09:52  坚持不懈❥  阅读(2354)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报