Python excel转pdf|金额大写工具类
# 一些工具函数 class Util: # 基于excel生成pdf @staticmethod def excel_to_pdf(base_path, target_excel_name, target_pdf_name, center_code_gi_map): pass # # Open Microsoft Excel # excel = client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") # # Read Excel File # sheets = excel.Workbooks.Open(base_path + "/" + target_excel_name) # for sheet in sheets.Worksheets: # pdf_name = target_pdf_name.replace('XXX','GI', center_code_gi_map.get( # print("开始导出pdf:"+pdf_name) # # Convert into PDF File # folder = os.path.exists(base_path + "/" + center_code_gi_map.get( # # 没有的话先创建 # if not folder: # os.makedirs(base_path + "/" + center_code_gi_map.get( # sheet.ExportAsFixedFormat(0, base_path + "/" + center_code_gi_map.get( + "/" + pdf_name + ".pdf") # 将金额大写 @staticmethod def up_money(digital): str_digital = str(digital) # 去掉数字里面的逗号 str_digital = str_digital.replace(",", "") chinese = {'1': '壹', '2': '贰', '3': '叁', '4': '肆', '5': '伍', '6': '陆', '7': '柒', '8': '捌', '9': '玖', '0': '零'} chinese2 = ['拾', '佰', '仟', '万', '厘', '分', '角'] jiao = '' bs = str_digital.split('.') yuan = bs[0] if len(bs) > 1: jiao = bs[1] r_yuan = [i for i in reversed(yuan)] count = 0 for i in range(len(yuan)): if i == 0: r_yuan[i] += '圆' continue r_yuan[i] += chinese2[count] count += 1 if count == 4: count = 0 chinese2[3] = '亿' s_jiao = [i for i in jiao][:3] # 去掉小于厘之后的 j_count = -1 for i in range(len(s_jiao)): s_jiao[i] += chinese2[j_count] j_count -= 1 last = [i for i in reversed(r_yuan)] + s_jiao last_str = ''.join(last) for i in range(len(last_str)): digital = last_str[i] if digital in chinese: last_str = last_str.replace(digital, chinese[digital]) return last_str # 格式化金额 - 时返回0 ,0.0时返回0,增加千分位和保留两位小数 @staticmethod def format_money(money): if type(money) == str and '-' == money: return '0' if type(money) == float and int(money) == 0: return '0' if type(money) == float or type(money) == int: money = round(money, 2) return format(money, ',') return money
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