
Never get too attached to anyone because attachments leads to expectations and expectations leads to disappointments.




This test will detect if you are pregnant

  pregnant /ˈpreɡnənt/ adj. 懷孕的



reserve /rɪˈzɜrv/ n.儲備(物); 儲備金; 保留(物); 儲藏量 

  The old man kept a large reserve of firewood for cold weather

reserve /rɪˈzɜrv/ vt. 預約, 預訂

  They have reserved rooms at a hotel

reserve /rɪˈzɜrv/ vt. 儲備, 保存; 保留

  These seats are reserved for special guests



disappoint /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt/ v.失望;挫敗

  Janna was extremely disappointed to discover that no cars were available for rental

    a.extremely /ɪkˈstrimli/ adv.

      very: used for emphasizing an adjective or adverb

posted @ 2013-07-09 09:17  春天播種,秋天才會收穫  阅读(275)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报