@perproty and @synthesize
1.@property 是什么? @perperty 是声明属性的语法,他可以快速方便的为实例变量创建存取器,并允许我们通过点语法使用存取器 【存取器:用于获取和设置实例变量的方法,获取实例变量值得是getter,设置实例变量存取器的是setter】 2.手工创建存取器 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface Car : NSObject { NSString *carName; NSString *carType; } @property(nonatomic,strong) NSString *carName; @property(nonatomic,strong) NSString *carType; @property(nonatomic,strong) NSString *carNum; @end 上面的carName和carType就是类Car的属性变量,可以看到分别对这两个实例变量声明了get/set方法,即存取器 #import "Car.h" @implementation Car @synthesize carName; @synthesize carType; @end 以上代码对存取器进行了实现 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "car.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { Car *car = [[Car alloc] init]; car.carName = @"Defuli"; car.carType = @"SUB"; car.carNum = @"12"; NSLog(@"The Car name is %@ and the type is %@ and the No is %@.",car.carName,car.carType,car.carNum); [car setCarName:@"FUjian"]; [car setCarType:@"FLL"]; NSLog(@"The Car name is %@ and the type is %@",car.carName,car.carType); } return 0; } mian中的实际用法