thinking in java笔记 13 字符串操作


        public class SimpleFormat {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x = 5;
double y = 5.332542;
// The old way:
System. out .println( "Row 1: [" + x + " " + y + "]" );
// The new way:
System. out .format( "Row 1: [%d %f]\n" , x, y);
// or
System. out .printf( "Row 1: [%d %f]\n" , x, y);
} /* Output:
Row 1: [5 5.332542]
Row 1: [5 5.332542]
Row 1: [5 5.332542]



posted @ 2011-10-09 17:37  因是因非  阅读(179)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报