ArcGIS Engine shp转CAD
1 AO
createCadXData 添加附加属性
2 AE
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; //Author: Domenico Ciavarella // namespace road { public class ConvertDXFArgs : System.EventArgs { bool result = false; Exception ex = null; public ConvertDXFArgs() { result = true; } public ConvertDXFArgs(Exception ex) { this.ex = ex; } public bool Result { get { return result; } } public Exception Exception { get { return ex; } } } public class ConvertDXF { public delegate void OnCompleted(object sender, ConvertDXFArgs e); public event OnCompleted completed; struct ColorDXF { public byte Red; public byte Green; public byte Blue; public ColorDXF(byte r, byte g, byte b) { Red = r; Green = g; Blue = b; } } struct TagDXF { public const string HEADER = "HEADER"; public const string TABLES = "TABLES"; public const string ENTITIES = "ENTITIES"; public const string BLOCKS = "BLOCKS"; } string m_Filename = null; IFeatureLayer m_FeatureLayer = null; TextWriter m_tw = null; public ConvertDXF(string filename, IFeatureLayer featureLayer) { m_Filename = filename; m_FeatureLayer = featureLayer; } public void Convert() { if ((m_FeatureLayer == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Filename))) { completed(this, new ConvertDXFArgs(new Exception("FeatureLayer is null or Filename is null"))); } try { m_tw = new StreamWriter(m_Filename); IEnvelope envelope = m_FeatureLayer.AreaOfInterest; IFeatureClass featureClass = m_FeatureLayer.FeatureClass; Header(envelope); Tables(); Blocks(); Entities(); completed(this, new ConvertDXFArgs()); } catch (Exception ex) { completed(this, new ConvertDXFArgs(ex)); } finally { m_tw.Close(); m_tw.Dispose(); m_tw = null; } } /// <summary> /// return color nearest Autocad /// </summary> /// <param name="intR"></param> /// <param name="intG"></param> /// <param name="intB"></param> /// <returns></returns> static ColorDXF GetColorDXF(ColorDXF c) { IDictionary<byte, string> dct = new Dictionary<byte, string>(); #region Dictionary Color //item: colore come valore RGB, key: colore equivalent in AutoCAD dct.Add(0, "0|0|0"); dct.Add(1, "255|0|0"); dct.Add(2, "255|255|0"); dct.Add(3, "0|255|0"); dct.Add(4, "0|255|255"); dct.Add(5, "0|0|255"); dct.Add(6, "255|0|255"); dct.Add(7, "255|255|255"); dct.Add(8, "65|65|65"); dct.Add(9, "128|128|128"); dct.Add(10, "255|0|0"); dct.Add(11, "255|170|170"); dct.Add(12, "189|0|0"); dct.Add(13, "189|126|126"); dct.Add(14, "129|0|0"); dct.Add(15, "129|86|86"); dct.Add(16, "104|0|0"); dct.Add(17, "104|69|69"); dct.Add(18, "79|0|0"); dct.Add(19, "79|53|53"); dct.Add(20, "255|63|0"); dct.Add(21, "255|191|170"); dct.Add(22, "189|46|0"); dct.Add(23, "189|141|126"); dct.Add(24, "129|31|0"); dct.Add(25, "129|96|86"); dct.Add(26, "104|25|0"); dct.Add(27, "104|78|69"); dct.Add(28, "79|19|0"); dct.Add(29, "79|59|53"); dct.Add(30, "255|127|0"); dct.Add(31, "255|212|170"); dct.Add(32, "189|94|0"); dct.Add(33, "189|157|126"); dct.Add(34, "129|64|0"); dct.Add(35, "129|107|86"); dct.Add(36, "104|52|0"); dct.Add(37, "104|86|69"); dct.Add(38, "79|39|0"); dct.Add(39, "79|66|53"); dct.Add(40, "255|191|0"); dct.Add(41, "255|234|170"); dct.Add(42, "189|141|0"); dct.Add(43, "189|173|126"); dct.Add(44, "129|96|0"); dct.Add(45, "129|118|86"); dct.Add(46, "104|78|0"); dct.Add(47, "104|95|69"); dct.Add(48, "79|59|0"); dct.Add(49, "79|73|53"); dct.Add(50, "255|255|0"); dct.Add(51, "255|255|170"); dct.Add(52, "189|189|0"); dct.Add(53, "189|189|126"); dct.Add(54, "129|129|0"); dct.Add(55, "129|129|86"); dct.Add(56, "104|104|0"); dct.Add(57, "104|104|69"); dct.Add(58, "79|79|0"); dct.Add(59, "79|79|53"); dct.Add(60, "191|255|0"); dct.Add(61, "234|255|170"); dct.Add(62, "141|189|0"); dct.Add(63, "173|189|126"); dct.Add(64, "96|129|0"); dct.Add(65, "118|129|86"); dct.Add(66, "78|104|0"); dct.Add(67, "95|104|69"); dct.Add(68, "59|79|0"); dct.Add(69, "73|79|53"); dct.Add(70, "127|255|0"); dct.Add(71, "212|255|170"); dct.Add(72, "94|189|0"); dct.Add(73, "157|189|126"); dct.Add(74, "64|129|0"); dct.Add(75, "107|129|86"); dct.Add(76, "52|104|0"); dct.Add(77, "86|104|69"); dct.Add(78, "39|79|0"); dct.Add(79, "66|79|53"); dct.Add(80, "63|255|0"); dct.Add(81, "191|255|170"); dct.Add(82, "46|189|0"); dct.Add(83, "141|189|126"); dct.Add(84, "31|129|0"); dct.Add(85, "96|129|86"); dct.Add(86, "25|104|0"); dct.Add(87, "78|104|69"); dct.Add(88, "19|79|0"); dct.Add(89, "59|79|53"); dct.Add(90, "0|255|0"); dct.Add(91, "170|255|170"); dct.Add(92, "0|189|0"); dct.Add(93, "126|189|126"); dct.Add(94, "0|129|0"); dct.Add(95, "86|129|86"); dct.Add(96, "0|104|0"); dct.Add(97, "69|104|69"); dct.Add(98, "0|79|0"); dct.Add(99, "53|79|53"); dct.Add(100, "0|255|63"); dct.Add(101, "170|255|191"); dct.Add(102, "0|189|46"); dct.Add(103, "126|189|141"); dct.Add(104, "0|129|31"); dct.Add(105, "86|129|96"); dct.Add(106, "0|104|25"); dct.Add(107, "69|104|78"); dct.Add(108, "0|79|19"); dct.Add(109, "53|79|59"); dct.Add(110, "0|255|127"); dct.Add(111, "170|255|212"); dct.Add(112, "0|189|94"); dct.Add(113, "126|189|157"); dct.Add(114, "0|129|64"); dct.Add(115, "86|129|107"); dct.Add(116, "0|104|52"); dct.Add(117, "69|104|86"); dct.Add(118, "0|79|39"); dct.Add(119, "53|79|66"); dct.Add(120, "0|255|191"); dct.Add(121, "170|255|234"); dct.Add(122, "0|189|141"); dct.Add(123, "126|189|173"); dct.Add(124, "0|129|96"); dct.Add(125, "86|129|118"); dct.Add(126, "0|104|78"); dct.Add(127, "69|104|95"); dct.Add(128, "0|79|59"); dct.Add(129, "53|79|73"); dct.Add(130, "0|255|255"); dct.Add(131, "170|255|255"); dct.Add(132, "0|189|189"); dct.Add(133, "126|189|189"); dct.Add(134, "0|129|129"); dct.Add(135, "86|129|129"); dct.Add(136, "0|104|104"); dct.Add(137, "69|104|104"); dct.Add(138, "0|79|79"); dct.Add(139, "53|79|79"); dct.Add(140, "0|191|255"); dct.Add(141, "170|234|255"); dct.Add(142, "0|141|189"); dct.Add(143, "126|173|189"); dct.Add(144, "0|96|129"); dct.Add(145, "86|118|129"); dct.Add(146, "0|78|104"); dct.Add(147, "69|95|104"); dct.Add(148, "0|59|79"); dct.Add(149, "53|73|79"); dct.Add(150, "0|127|255"); dct.Add(151, "170|212|255"); dct.Add(152, "0|94|189"); dct.Add(153, "126|157|189"); dct.Add(154, "0|64|129"); dct.Add(155, "86|107|129"); dct.Add(156, "0|52|104"); dct.Add(157, "69|86|104"); dct.Add(158, "0|39|79"); dct.Add(159, "53|66|79"); dct.Add(160, "0|63|255"); dct.Add(161, "170|191|255"); dct.Add(162, "0|46|189"); dct.Add(163, "126|141|189"); dct.Add(164, "0|31|129"); dct.Add(165, "86|96|129"); dct.Add(166, "0|25|104"); dct.Add(167, "69|78|104"); dct.Add(168, "0|19|79"); dct.Add(169, "53|59|79"); dct.Add(170, "0|0|255"); dct.Add(171, "170|170|255"); dct.Add(172, "0|0|189"); dct.Add(173, "126|126|189"); dct.Add(174, "0|0|129"); dct.Add(175, "86|86|129"); dct.Add(176, "0|0|104"); dct.Add(177, "69|69|104"); dct.Add(178, "0|0|79"); dct.Add(179, "53|53|79"); dct.Add(180, "63|0|255"); dct.Add(181, "191|170|255"); dct.Add(182, "46|0|189"); dct.Add(183, "141|126|189"); dct.Add(184, "31|0|129"); dct.Add(185, "96|86|129"); dct.Add(186, "25|0|104"); dct.Add(187, "78|69|104"); dct.Add(188, "19|0|79"); dct.Add(189, "59|53|79"); dct.Add(190, "127|0|255"); dct.Add(191, "212|170|255"); dct.Add(192, "94|0|189"); dct.Add(193, "157|126|189"); dct.Add(194, "64|0|129"); dct.Add(195, "107|86|129"); dct.Add(196, "52|0|104"); dct.Add(197, "86|69|104"); dct.Add(198, "39|0|79"); dct.Add(199, "66|53|79"); dct.Add(200, "191|0|255"); dct.Add(201, "234|170|255"); dct.Add(202, "141|0|189"); dct.Add(203, "173|126|189"); dct.Add(204, "96|0|129"); dct.Add(205, "118|86|129"); dct.Add(206, "78|0|104"); dct.Add(207, "95|69|104"); dct.Add(208, "59|0|79"); dct.Add(209, "73|53|79"); dct.Add(210, "255|0|255"); dct.Add(211, "255|170|255"); dct.Add(212, "189|0|189"); dct.Add(213, "189|126|189"); dct.Add(214, "129|0|129"); dct.Add(215, "129|86|129"); dct.Add(216, "104|0|104"); dct.Add(217, "104|69|104"); dct.Add(218, "79|0|79"); dct.Add(219, "79|53|79"); dct.Add(220, "255|0|191"); dct.Add(221, "255|170|234"); dct.Add(222, "189|0|141"); dct.Add(223, "189|126|173"); dct.Add(224, "129|0|96"); dct.Add(225, "129|86|118"); dct.Add(226, "104|0|78"); dct.Add(227, "104|69|95"); dct.Add(228, "79|0|59"); dct.Add(229, "79|53|73"); dct.Add(230, "255|0|127"); dct.Add(231, "255|170|212"); dct.Add(232, "189|0|94"); dct.Add(233, "189|126|157"); dct.Add(234, "129|0|64"); dct.Add(235, "129|86|107"); dct.Add(236, "104|0|52"); dct.Add(237, "104|69|86"); dct.Add(238, "79|0|39"); dct.Add(239, "79|53|66"); dct.Add(240, "255|0|63"); dct.Add(241, "255|170|191"); dct.Add(242, "189|0|46"); dct.Add(243, "189|126|141"); dct.Add(244, "129|0|31"); dct.Add(245, "129|86|96"); dct.Add(246, "104|0|25"); dct.Add(247, "104|69|78"); dct.Add(248, "79|0|19"); dct.Add(249, "79|53|59"); dct.Add(250, "51|51|51"); dct.Add(251, "80|80|80"); dct.Add(252, "105|105|105"); dct.Add(253, "130|130|130"); dct.Add(254, "190|190|190"); dct.Add(255, "255|255|255"); #endregion Dictionary Color string[] sColorCAD; //tutti possibili colori della collection byte bGCAD, bRCAD, bBCAD; //valori RGB di tutti colori byte color = 0; //color nearest of collection double dblTemp = Double.MaxValue; double dblDistance; foreach (byte idx in dct.Keys) { sColorCAD = dct[idx].Split('|'); bRCAD = byte.Parse(sColorCAD[0]); bGCAD = byte.Parse(sColorCAD[1]); bBCAD = byte.Parse(sColorCAD[2]); dblDistance = System.Math.Sqrt((bRCAD - c.Red) ^ 2 + (bGCAD - c.Green) ^ 2 + (bBCAD - c.Blue) ^ 2); if (dblDistance < dblTemp) { dblTemp = dblDistance; color = idx; if (dblTemp == 0) break; } } //color "0" (not defined) -> color "7" (default of AutoCAD) if (color == 0) color = 7; string[] r = dct[color].Split('|'); return new ColorDXF(byte.Parse(r[0]), byte.Parse(r[1]), byte.Parse(r[2])); } static IFormatProvider GetFormatProvider() { NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo(); nfi.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "."; return nfi; } void BeginSection(string Tag) { m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("SECTION"); m_tw.WriteLine(2); m_tw.WriteLine(Tag); } void EndSection() { m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("ENDSEC"); } void EOF() { m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("EOF"); } void Point(IPointCollection pPoints, string LayerName, byte? Color) { for (int i = 0; i < pPoints.PointCount; i++) { Point(pPoints.get_Point(i), LayerName, Color); } } void Blocks() { BeginSection(TagDXF.BLOCKS); EndSection(); } void Tables() { BeginSection(TagDXF.TABLES); EndSection(); } void Point(IPoint pPoint, string LayerName, byte? Color) { m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("POINT"); m_tw.WriteLine(8); m_tw.WriteLine(LayerName); m_tw.WriteLine(62); if (Color != null) m_tw.WriteLine(Color); m_tw.WriteLine(10); m_tw.WriteLine(pPoint.X.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(20); m_tw.WriteLine(pPoint.Y.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(39); //Thickness m_tw.WriteLine(3); } void Header(IEnvelope extent) { IPoint LLExtents = extent.LowerLeft; IPoint URExtents = extent.UpperRight; BeginSection(TagDXF.HEADER); m_tw.WriteLine(9); m_tw.WriteLine("$EXTMIN"); m_tw.WriteLine(10); m_tw.WriteLine(LLExtents.X.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(20); m_tw.WriteLine(LLExtents.Y.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(30); m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine(9); m_tw.WriteLine("$EXTMAX"); m_tw.WriteLine(10); m_tw.WriteLine(URExtents.X.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(20); m_tw.WriteLine(URExtents.Y.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(30); m_tw.WriteLine(0); EndSection(); } void Polyline(IGeometry pShape, string LayerName, byte? Color) { IGeometryCollection geometryCollection; if (pShape is IGeometryCollection) geometryCollection = pShape as IGeometryCollection; else { object o = Type.Missing; geometryCollection = new Polygon() as IGeometryCollection; geometryCollection.AddGeometry(pShape, ref o, ref o); } for (int j = 0; j < geometryCollection.GeometryCount; j++) { ISegmentCollection pSegColl = geometryCollection.get_Geometry(j) as ISegmentCollection; bool bFirstSeg = true; ICircularArc pCA = null; ISegment pSeg = null; for (int i = 0; i < pSegColl.SegmentCount; i++) { pSeg = pSegColl.get_Segment(i); switch (pSeg.GeometryType) { case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine: if (bFirstSeg) { m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("POLYLINE"); m_tw.WriteLine(8); m_tw.WriteLine(LayerName); m_tw.WriteLine(66); m_tw.WriteLine(1); if (Color != null) { m_tw.WriteLine(62); m_tw.WriteLine(Color); } m_tw.WriteLine(6); m_tw.WriteLine("CONTINUOUS"); //from point m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("VERTEX"); m_tw.WriteLine(8); m_tw.WriteLine(LayerName); m_tw.WriteLine(10); m_tw.WriteLine(pSeg.FromPoint.X.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(20); m_tw.WriteLine(pSeg.FromPoint.Y.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); bFirstSeg = !bFirstSeg; } // to point m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("VERTEX"); m_tw.WriteLine(8); m_tw.WriteLine(LayerName); m_tw.WriteLine(10); m_tw.WriteLine(pSeg.ToPoint.X.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(20); m_tw.WriteLine(pSeg.ToPoint.Y.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); if (i == (pSegColl.SegmentCount - 1)) { m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("SEQEND"); m_tw.WriteLine(8); m_tw.WriteLine(LayerName); } break; case ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc: if (!bFirstSeg) { m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("SEQEND"); m_tw.WriteLine(8); m_tw.WriteLine(LayerName); } pCA = pSeg as ICircularArc; m_tw.WriteLine(0); m_tw.WriteLine("ARC"); m_tw.WriteLine(8); m_tw.WriteLine(LayerName); m_tw.WriteLine(10); m_tw.WriteLine(pCA.CenterPoint.X.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(20); m_tw.WriteLine(pCA.CenterPoint.Y.ToString(GetFormatProvider())); m_tw.WriteLine(40); m_tw.WriteLine(pCA.Radius); string sFromAngle = (pCA.FromAngle * 180 / Math.PI).ToString(GetFormatProvider()); string sToAngle = (pCA.ToAngle * 180 / Math.PI).ToString(GetFormatProvider()); m_tw.WriteLine(50); m_tw.WriteLine(pCA.IsCounterClockwise ? sFromAngle : sToAngle); m_tw.WriteLine(51); m_tw.WriteLine(pCA.IsCounterClockwise ? sToAngle : sFromAngle); bFirstSeg = true; break; } } } } void Polygon(IGeometry pShape, string LayerName, byte? Color) { IPolygon4 polygon = pShape as IPolygon4; IGeometryBag exteriorRings = polygon.ExteriorRingBag; //For each exterior rings find the interior rings associated with it IEnumGeometry exteriorRingsEnum = exteriorRings as IEnumGeometry; exteriorRingsEnum.Reset(); IRing currentExteriorRing = exteriorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing; while (currentExteriorRing != null) { Polyline(currentExteriorRing, LayerName, Color); IGeometryBag interiorRings = polygon.get_InteriorRingBag(currentExteriorRing); IEnumGeometry interiorRingsEnum = interiorRings as IEnumGeometry; interiorRingsEnum.Reset(); IRing currentInteriorRing = interiorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing; while (currentInteriorRing != null) { Polyline(currentInteriorRing, LayerName, Color); currentInteriorRing = interiorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing; } currentExteriorRing = exteriorRingsEnum.Next() as IRing; } } void Entities() { BeginSection(TagDXF.ENTITIES); byte? Color = 7; string LayerName = m_FeatureLayer.Name; IFeatureClass featureClass = m_FeatureLayer.FeatureClass; IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(null, true); IFeature feature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); IGeometry shape = null; while (feature != null) { shape = feature.ShapeCopy; //int? OID = feature.HasOID ? feature.OID : new Nullable<int>(); switch (shape.GeometryType) { case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint: Point(shape as IPoint, LayerName, Color); break; case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint: Point(shape as IPointCollection, LayerName, Color); break; case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline: Polyline(shape, LayerName, Color); break; case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon: Polygon(shape, LayerName, Color); break; case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryEnvelope: case ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPath: case ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryAny: case ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryRing: case ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryLine: Polyline(shape, LayerName, Color); break; case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryCircularArc: case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryBezier3Curve: case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryEllipticArc: break; } feature = featureCursor.NextFeature(); } EndSection(); EOF(); } } }
using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.BaseClasses; using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.CATIDs; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls; using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto; using System.IO; //Author: Domenico Ciavarella // namespace road { public sealed class ExportDXF : BaseCommand { IHookHelper m_hookHelper = null; public ExportDXF() { } #region Overriden Class Methods public override string Tooltip { get { return "Export DXF"; } } public override string Caption { get { return "Export DXF"; } } public override string Message { get { return "Export DXF"; } } public override void OnCreate(object hook) { if (hook == null) return; try { m_hookHelper = new HookHelperClass(); m_hookHelper.Hook = hook; if (m_hookHelper.ActiveView == null) m_hookHelper = null; } catch { m_hookHelper = null; } if (m_hookHelper == null) base.m_enabled = false; else base.m_enabled = true; } public override void OnClick() { if (null == m_hookHelper) return; object hook = null; if (m_hookHelper.Hook is IToolbarControl2) { hook = ((IToolbarControl2)m_hookHelper.Hook).Buddy; } else { hook = m_hookHelper.Hook; } object customProperty = null; IMapControl3 mapControl = null; if (hook is IMapControl3) { mapControl = (IMapControl3)hook; customProperty = mapControl.CustomProperty; } else return; if (null == customProperty || !(customProperty is ILayer)) return; SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "DXF File|*.dxf"; saveFileDialog.Title = "Export layer in dxf"; saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; saveFileDialog.FileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, ((ILayer)customProperty).Name + ".dxf"); DialogResult dr = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (saveFileDialog.FileName != string.Empty && dr == DialogResult.OK) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveFileDialog.FileName)) { System.IO.File.Delete(saveFileDialog.FileName); } ILayer layer = customProperty as ILayer; ConvertDXF dxf = new ConvertDXF(saveFileDialog.FileName, layer as IFeatureLayer); dxf.completed += new ConvertDXF.OnCompleted(dxf_completed); dxf.Convert(); } } void dxf_completed(object sender, ConvertDXFArgs e) { if (e.Result) MessageBox.Show("Export success!"); else MessageBox.Show("Export failed:" + e.Exception.Message); } #endregion } }
IMap map = m_mapControl.Map; ILayer layer = map.get_Layer(0); m_mapControl.CustomProperty = layer; ICommand cmd = new ExportDXF(); cmd.OnCreate(m_mapControl.Object); cmd.OnClick();