

The input multiplexer has EEG-specific functions for the bias drive signal. The BIAS signal is available at the
BIASOUT pin when the appropriate channels are selected for BIAS derivation, feedback elements are installed
external to the chip, and the loop is closed. This signal can either be fed after filtering or fed directly into the
BIASIN pin, as shown in Figure 46. This BIASIN signal can be multiplexed into any input electrode by setting the
MUX bits of the appropriate channel set registers to '110' for P-side or '111' for N-side. Figure 46 shows the BIAS
signal generated from channels 1, 2, and 3 and routed to the N-side of channel 8. This feature can be used to
dynamically change the electrode that is used as the reference signal to drive the patient body.



安置在头皮上的电极为作用电极(active electrode)。记录到的脑电信号即是作用电极与参考电极的差值。
放置在身体相对零电位点的电极即为参考电极(reference electrode),也称为参考电极或标准电极。如果身体上有一个零电位点,那么将参考电极放置于这个点,头皮上其它部位与该点的电极之间的电位差就等于后者的电位变化的绝对值。但这种零电位点理论上指的是机体位于电解质液中时,距离机体无限远的点,而实际上我们能够利用到的点是距离脑尽可能远的身体上的某一个点。因此,如果选躯干或四肢,脑电中就会混进波幅比脑电大的多的心电,这也是脑电记录使用耳垂、鼻尖或乳突部作为参考电极的原因。但鼻尖参考电极由于易出汗而产生基线不稳的伪迹,乳突部、下颌部等参考电极也可引起心电图、血管波动等伪迹。也可采用Cz附近的记录点作为参考电极,将M1和M2两个乳突位置也作为脑电记录点,这样有助于系统观察乳突部的脑电特征。


posted on 2016-04-22 16:29  yiludaifei  阅读(3792)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
