Android ps命令执行后的各项参数含义
- # ps
- ps
- root 1 0 276 188 c0099f1c 000086e8 S /init
- root 2 0 0 0 c004df64 00000000 S kthreadd
- root 3 2 0 0 c003fa28 00000000 S ksoftirqd/0
- root 4 2 0 0 c004abc0 00000000 S events/0
- root 5 2 0 0 c004abc0 00000000 S khelper
- root 6 2 0 0 c004abc0 00000000 S suspend
- root 7 2 0 0 c004abc0 00000000 S kblockd/0
- root 8 2 0 0 c004abc0 00000000 S cqueue
- root 9 2 0 0 c01780d0 00000000 S kseriod
- root 10 2 0 0 c004abc0 00000000 S kmmcd
- root 11 2 0 0 c006efa8 00000000 S pdflush
- root 12 2 0 0 c006efa8 00000000 S pdflush
- root 13 2 0 0 c0073480 00000000 S kswapd0
- root 14 2 0 0 c004abc0 00000000 S aio/0
- root 22 2 0 0 c0175900 00000000 S mtdblockdc
- USER: 进程的当前用户;
- PID : 毫无疑问, process ID的缩写,也就进程号;
- PPID :process parent ID,父进程ID
- VSIZE : virtual size,进程虚拟地址空间大小;
- RSS : 进程正在使用的物理内存的大小;
- WCHAN :进程如果处于休眠状态的话,在内核中的地址;
- PC : program counter,
- NAME: process name,进程的名称
- root@long-desktop:~# ps aux
- root 1 0.0 0.2 2804 1684 ? Ss 21:11 0:01 /sbin/init
- root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 21:11 0:00 [kthreadd]
- root 2286 0.0 0.4 8888 3172 ? Ss 21:52 0:00 sshd: root@pts/0
- root 2352 0.0 0.2 4684 2048 pts/0 Ss+ 21:52 0:00 -bash
- root 2454 0.4 0.4 8888 3164 ? Rs 22:06 0:00 sshd: root@pts/1
- root 2518 0.1 0.2 4684 2004 pts/1 Ss 22:06 0:00 -bash
- root 2551 0.0 0.1 2736 1088 pts/1 R+ 22:06 0:00 ps aux
- %CPU 进程的cpu占用率
- %MEM 进程的内存占用率
- VSZ 进程所使用的虚存的大小
- RSS 进程使用的驻留集大小或者是实际内存的大小
- TTY 与进程关联的终端(tty)
- STAT 检查的状态:进程状态使用字符表示的,如R(running正在运行或准备运行)、S(sleeping睡眠)、I(idle空闲)、Z (僵死)、D(不可中断的睡眠,通常是I/O)、P(等待交换页)、W(换出,表示当前页面不在内存)、N(低优先级任务)T(terminate终 止)、W has no resident pages
- START (进程启动时间和日期)
- TIME ;(进程使用的总cpu时间)
- COMMAND (正在执行的命令行命令)
- NI (nice)优先级
- PRI 进程优先级编号
- PPID 父进程的进程ID(parent process id)
- SID 会话ID(session id)
- WCHAN 进程正在睡眠的内核函数名称;该函数的名称是从/root/system.map文件中获得的。
- FLAGS 与进程相关的数字标识
- int ps_main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- DIR *d;
- struct dirent *de;
- char *namefilter = 0;
- int pidfilter = 0;
- int threads = 0;
- d = opendir("/proc");
- if(d == 0) return -1;
- while(argc > 1){
- if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-t")) {
- threads = 1;
- } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-x")) {
- display_flags |= SHOW_TIME;
- } else if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-p")) {
- display_flags |= SHOW_PRIO;
- } else if(isdigit(argv[1][0])){
- pidfilter = atoi(argv[1]);
- } else {
- namefilter = argv[1];
- }
- argc--;
- argv++;
- }
- (display_flags&SHOW_PRIO)?"PRIO NICE RTPRI SCHED ":"");
- while((de = readdir(d)) != 0){
- if(isdigit(de->d_name[0])){
- int pid = atoi(de->d_name);
- if(!pidfilter || (pidfilter == pid)) {
- ps_line(pid, 0, namefilter);
- if(threads) ps_threads(pid, namefilter);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir(d);
- return 0;
- }
- static int ps_line(int pid, int tid, char *namefilter)
- {
- char statline[1024];
- char cmdline[1024];
- char user[32];
- struct stat stats;
- int fd, r;
- char *ptr, *name, *state;
- int ppid, tty;
- unsigned wchan, rss, vss, eip;
- unsigned utime, stime;
- int prio, nice, rtprio, sched;
- struct passwd *pw;
- sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d", pid);
- stat(statline, &stats);
- if(tid) {
- sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d/task/%d/stat", pid, tid);
- cmdline[0] = 0;
- } else {
- sprintf(statline, "/proc/%d/stat", pid);
- sprintf(cmdline, "/proc/%d/cmdline", pid);
- fd = open(cmdline, O_RDONLY);
- if(fd == 0) {
- r = 0;
- } else {
- r = read(fd, cmdline, 1023);
- close(fd);
- if(r < 0) r = 0;
- }
- cmdline[r] = 0;
- }
- fd = open(statline, O_RDONLY);
- if(fd == 0) return -1;
- r = read(fd, statline, 1023);
- close(fd);
- if(r < 0) return -1;
- statline[r] = 0;
- ptr = statline;
- nexttok(&ptr); // skip pid
- ptr++; // skip "("
- name = ptr;
- ptr = strrchr(ptr, ')'); // Skip to *last* occurence of ')',
- *ptr++ = '\0'; // and null-terminate name.
- ptr++; // skip " "
- state = nexttok(&ptr);
- ppid = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
- nexttok(&ptr); // pgrp
- nexttok(&ptr); // sid
- tty = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
- nexttok(&ptr); // tpgid
- nexttok(&ptr); // flags
- nexttok(&ptr); // minflt
- nexttok(&ptr); // cminflt
- nexttok(&ptr); // majflt
- nexttok(&ptr); // cmajflt
- #if 1
- utime = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
- stime = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
- #else
- nexttok(&ptr); // utime
- nexttok(&ptr); // stime
- #endif
- nexttok(&ptr); // cutime
- nexttok(&ptr); // cstime
- prio = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
- nice = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
- nexttok(&ptr); // threads
- nexttok(&ptr); // itrealvalue
- nexttok(&ptr); // starttime
- vss = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // vsize
- rss = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // rss
- nexttok(&ptr); // rlim
- nexttok(&ptr); // startcode
- nexttok(&ptr); // endcode
- nexttok(&ptr); // startstack
- nexttok(&ptr); // kstkesp
- eip = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // kstkeip
- nexttok(&ptr); // signal
- nexttok(&ptr); // blocked
- nexttok(&ptr); // sigignore
- nexttok(&ptr); // sigcatch
- wchan = strtoul(nexttok(&ptr), 0, 10); // wchan
- nexttok(&ptr); // nswap
- nexttok(&ptr); // cnswap
- nexttok(&ptr); // exit signal
- nexttok(&ptr); // processor
- rtprio = atoi(nexttok(&ptr)); // rt_priority
- sched = atoi(nexttok(&ptr)); // scheduling policy
- tty = atoi(nexttok(&ptr));
- if(tid != 0) {
- ppid = pid;
- pid = tid;
- }
- pw = getpwuid(stats.st_uid);
- if(pw == 0) {
- sprintf(user,"%d",(int)stats.st_uid);
- } else {
- strcpy(user,pw->pw_name);
- }
- if(!namefilter || !strncmp(name, namefilter, strlen(namefilter))) {
- printf("%-8s %-5d %-5d %-5d %-5d", user, pid, ppid, vss / 1024, rss * 4);
- if(display_flags&SHOW_PRIO)
- printf(" %-5d %-5d %-5d %-5d", prio, nice, rtprio, sched);
- printf(" %08x %08x %s %s", wchan, eip, state, cmdline[0] ? cmdline : name);
- if(display_flags&SHOW_TIME)
- printf(" (u:%d, s:%d)", utime, stime);
- printf("\n");
- }
- return 0;
- }
posted on 2016-03-11 16:04 默然(Silent) 阅读(2163) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报