关于tiptop gp5.2采购模块,价格变更的随笔





select pmn01,pmn31,pmn31t,pmn44,pmn88,pmn88T,PMN90,PMN50,PMN20*PMN31,PMN20*PMN31T from pmn_file where pmn01='031-KT21060051';
select pmm40,pmm40t from pmm_file where pmm01='031-KT21060051';

update pmn_file b
set b.pmn31=(select pmn31 from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.pmn04),
b.pmn31T=(select pmn31T from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.pmn04),
b.pmn44=(select pmn44 from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.pmn04),
b.pmn88=(select pmn31T from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.pmn04),
b.pmn88T=(select pmn88T from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.pmn04),
b.pmn90=(select pmn90 from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.pmn04)
where b.pmn01='031-KT21060051' and b.pmn04 in (select pmn04 from pmn_file);
update pmm_file a
set pmm40=(select pmm40 from pmm_file b where b.pmm01='031-KT21100263'),
pmm40t=(select pmm40t from pmm_file b where b.pmm01='031-KT21100263')
where pmm01='031-KT21060051';
select rvv38,rvv38t,rvv39,rvv39t,rvv38*rvv17,rvv38T*rvv17 from rvv_file where rvv36='031-KT21060051';
select rvb05,rvb07,rvb10,rvb10t,rvb88,rvb88t,rvb07*rvb10,rvb07*rvb10t from rvb_file where rvb04='031-KT21060051'

update rvb_file b
set rvb10=(select pmn31 from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvb05),
rvb10T=(select pmn31T from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvb05),
rvb88=rvb07*(select pmn31 from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvb05),
rvb88T=rvb07*(select pmn31T from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvb05)
where rvb04='031-KT21060051' and rvb05='1050110139'
update rvv_file b
set rvv38=(select pmn31 from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvv31),
rvv38t=(select pmn31T from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvv31),
rvv39=rvv17*(select pmn31 from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvv31),
rvv39t=rvv17*(select pmn31T from pmn_file a where a.pmn01='031-KT21100263' and a.pmn04=b.rvv31)
where rvv36='031-KT21060051' and rvv31='1050110139'


posted @ 2021-11-01 10:27  三生有幸格格  阅读(119)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报