JavaScript 实现常见数据结构 —— 栈与队列




在 JavaScript 中,我们可以通过数组相关的方法很容易的扩展出这两种数据结构。


栈的 JavaScript 代码实现:

 * Initialize your data structure here.
var MyStack = function() {
    this._data = [];

 * Push element x onto stack. 
 * @param {number} x
 * @return {void}
MyStack.prototype.push = function(x) {

 * Removes the element on top of the stack and returns that element.
 * @return {number}
MyStack.prototype.pop = function() {
    return this._data.pop();

 * Get the top element.
 * @return {number}
 */ = function() {
    return this._data[this._data.length -1];

 * Returns whether the stack is empty.
 * @return {boolean}
MyStack.prototype.empty = function() {
    return this._data.length === 0;

 * Your MyStack object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * var obj = new MyStack()
 * obj.push(x)
 * var param_2 = obj.pop()
 * var param_3 =
 * var param_4 = obj.empty()


队列的 JavaScript 代码实现:

 * Initialize your data structure here.
var MyQueue = function() {
   this._queue = [];

 * Push element x to the back of queue. 
 * @param {number} x
 * @return {void}
MyQueue.prototype.push = function(x) {

 * Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element.
 * @return {number}
MyQueue.prototype.pop = function() {
    return this._queue.shift();

 * Get the front element.
 * @return {number}
MyQueue.prototype.peek = function() {
    return this._queue[0];

 * Returns whether the queue is empty.
 * @return {boolean}
MyQueue.prototype.empty = function() {
    return this._queue.length === 0;

 * Your MyQueue object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * var obj = new MyQueue()
 * obj.push(x)
 * var param_2 = obj.pop()
 * var param_3 = obj.peek()
 * var param_4 = obj.empty()


posted @ 2019-06-01 15:22  mykiya  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报