1. Jquery Mobile Demo site


an online jQuery Mobile Gallery is available for ideas and inspiration:



2.development tools:

http://wave.webaim.org/  ------------>WAVE is a free web accessibility evaluation tool


3. Multi-Page Template


<a href="#contact-info" data-role="button">Contact Us</a>    


how to linke external page(beyond page itself)

When linking to a page that contains multiple pages, you must add
rel="external" to its link.
<!-- Must include rel="external" when linking to multi-page documents -->
<a href="multi-page.html" rel="external">Home</a>
<!-- May optionally use the target attribute -->
<a href="multi-page.html" target="_blank">Home</a>



4.Jquery Mobile中的标签:

  data-position :  data-position="fixed" (让页面中的某一个区域固定,如页脚)

  data-url="contact-info"                    (默认情况下显示的是第一页,但是如果指定data-url则可以进行自定义)







5. for dialog

On a link, add the data-rel="dialog" attribute

Any link with data-rel="dialog" or any page with data-role="dialog" will notappear in history and cannot be bookmarked. It means it don’t appear in history.




6.data-position  属性


7. data-icon

    where is the icon files store?

option value:

            data-icon="check”  data-icon="plus"



8.data-iconpos 只显示图标,不显示文字


data-iconpos="notext" 常与button一起连用

<!-- A button with only text -->
<a href="#">Done</a>
<!-- A button with only an icon -->
<a href="#" data-icon="plus" data-iconpos="notext"></a>
<!-- A button with text and an icon -->
<a href="#" data-icon="check">Done</a>
posted on 2012-06-05 16:16  myjavawork  阅读(2966)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报