To be, or not to be: that is the question ...


RFC2505:Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs(BCP30)

RFC2505:Anti-Spam Recommendations for SMTP MTAs(BCP30) 针对SMTP MTAs的反垃圾邮件建议

    1)  MUST be able to restrict unauthorized use as Mail Relay.

    2)  MUST be able to provide "Received:" lines with enough
        information to make it possible to trace the mail path, despite
        spammers use forged host names in HELO statements etc.
        必须可以提供带有完整信息的 "Received:"行,以便追踪邮件的路径,即使spammers在HELO命令或其他地方中使用虚假的主机名。
    3)  MUST be able to provide local log information that makes it
        possible to trace the event afterwards.

    4)  SHOULD be able to log all occurrences of anti-relay/anti-spam

    5)  SHOULD be able to refuse mail from a host or a group of hosts.

    6a) MUST NOT refuse "MAIL From: <>".
        不能拒绝类似mail from命令为:"MAIL From: <>" 形式的邮件

    6b) MUST NOT refuse "MAIL From: <user@my.local.dom.ain>".
        不能拒绝类似mail from命令为:"MAIL From: <user@my.local.dom.ain>" 形式的邮件

    7a) SHOULD be able to refuse mail from a specific "MAIL From:"
        user, <foo@domain.example>.
        应该可以拒绝mail from命令中来自特定的邮件地址或者用户的邮件

    7b) SHOULD be able to refuse mail from an entire "MAIL From:"  domain
        应该可以拒绝mail from命令中来自特定域的所有邮件

    8)  SHOULD be able to limit ("Rate Control") mail flow.

    9)  SHOULD be able to verify "MAIL From:" domain (using DNS or
        other means).
        应该可以检查mail from中的域的合法性(使用DNS或者其他手段检查)

    10) SHOULD be able to verify <local-part> in outgoing mail.

    11) SHOULD be able to control SMTP VRFY and EXPN.
        应该可以控制SMTP的VRFY 和 EXPN命令的使用

    12) SHOULD be able to control SMTP ETRN.

    13) MUST be able to configure to provide different Return Codes
        for different rules (e.g. 451 Temp Fail vs 550 Fatal Error).
        必须可以通过配置对不同的规则提供不同的应答代码(类如:451 Temp Fail vs 550 Fatal Error)

posted on 2004-06-28 21:27  梦函  阅读(306)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报