An IRP completion routine can return either STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED or STATUS_SUCCESS.The I/O manager uses the following rules when it examines the status: · If the status is STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED, stop completing the IRP, leave the stack location unchanged and return.· If the stat 阅读全文
关于RS-232,485等系列的驱动编写,类似于USB等,见[1]。 摄像头驱动程序 WDM摄像头驱动程序分两部分,一部分是类驱动(Class Driver)程序,由MS提供,提供了标准接口,一部分是小驱动(Mini Driver)程序,用户编写。 WDM中,Mini Driver首先将自己注册给Class Driver,Class Driver拥有设备对象,而Mini Driver不用创建设备对... 阅读全文