An error that impressed me most

Generally to say, it's a homework that arranged by my Software Testing Professor, but it

makes me recall a lot of interesting errors, which made by me or I have seen.

One of the most speachless eorror made by me is that I type in a ";" with Chinese, but I didn't

aware this little error. When I tried to run my program, I found that the console always show me a

error, which said certain line of my code was eorror. But I still couldn't find why that line contained

the eorror. So I post my code to an BBS and searched help. Finally, a person said that my ";"had problem

It must be typed with Chinese input.......After I correct this error, I realize that I just check a lot of 

logical errors or frame errors per time, but the most tiniest error maybe the point that make you feel


And another error that I have made is about the Android App developing. It was a news browsing 

App, that can capture news from the SINA and post them to the user's phones. It contained a function

that promise the users to collected their favourite news. This function must use Database to finished.

But after I changed some columns in my database and freshed the project, the console told me that 

my database had some problems. I traced all the data and var  which connected with the database, 

but the console still said that my data didn't fit the database. So after I searched on the internet,

I realized that the table in the database maybe not be refreshed auto. I deleted the database file in 

the DDMS and reopened my project, It worked.

I just want to say, at the most time, logical and frame problems may not show eaily if you design 

the frame prefectly. It is the tiny thing that make "big" problems. A little "bug" may destory the whole 


posted @ 2016-03-06 17:09  lsy2012  阅读(300)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报