
  1 import acm.program.*;
  2 import java.awt.event.*;
  3 import java.awt.*;
  4 import acm.util.*;
  5 import javax.swing.*;
  6 import acm.gui.*;
  7 /* 程序实现一个简单的四则运算计算器;*/
  8 public class Calculator extends Program {
  9     /* 初始的用户界面 */
 10     public void init(){
 11         setLayout(new TableLayout(5,4));
 12         display = new CalculatorDisplay();
 13         add(display, "gridwitdh=4 height=" + BUTTON_SIZE);
 14         addButtons();
 15         addActionListeners();
 16     }
 17     // Called on each action event; the response is determined by the button
 18     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
 19         Object source = e.getSource();
 20         if(source instanceof CalculatorButton){
 21             ((CalculatorButton) source).action(display);
 22         }
 23     }
 24     // Adds the buttons to the calculator
 25     private void addButtons(){
 26         String constraint = "width=" + BUTTON_SIZE + " height=" +BUTTON_SIZE;
 27         add(new DigitButton(7), constraint);
 28         add(new DigitButton(8), constraint);
 29         add(new DigitButton(9), constraint);
 30         add(new AddButton(), constraint);
 31         add(new DigitButton(4), constraint);
 32         add(new DigitButton(5), constraint);
 33         add(new DigitButton(6), constraint);
 34         add(new SubtractButton(), constraint);
 35         add(new DigitButton(1), constraint);
 36         add(new DigitButton(2), constraint);
 37         add(new DigitButton(3), constraint);
 38         add(new MultiplyButton(), constraint);
 39         add(new ClearButton(), constraint);
 40         add(new DigitButton(0), constraint);
 41         add(new EqualsButton(), constraint);
 42         add(new DivideButton(), constraint);
 43     }
 44     // 定义按钮大小的常量和实例变量
 45     private static final int BUTTON_SIZE = 40;
 46     private CalculatorDisplay display;
 47 }
 49 /*
 50  * This class defines the display for the calculator.
 51  * 
 52  * Implementation notes:
 53  *     This class done most of the work for the calculator application and keeps
 54  *  track not only of the number currently in the display but also the previous 
 55  *  operator button (op) and the previous value from the display (memory), which 
 56  *  will become the left operand of the operator. When a new operator button is 
 57  *  pressed, this class calculates the new value of the display by applying 
 58  *  that operator to the value in memory and the current value in the display.
 59  *  
 60  *  It is also important to note that the behavior of digit buttons depends on 
 61  *  whether an operator button is clicked. If the last click was an operator 
 62  *  button, the digit buttons must clear the display to start a new value. If
 63  *  not, the digit is added to the end of the existing value. The code uses the 
 64  *  boolean variable startNewVlaue to record this state.
 65  */
 67 class CalculatorDisplay extends IntField {
 68     /* Creates a new calculator display that is not directly editable by the user */
 69     public CalculatorDisplay(){
 70         setEditable(false);
 71         setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 24));
 72         setValue(0);
 73         startNewValue = false;
 74         op = null;
 75     }
 76     /* Add a digit to the display, clearing the old value if startNewValue is set */
 77     public void addDigit(int digit){
 78         int value = (startNewValue) ? 0 : getValue();
 79         setValue(10 * value + digit);
 80         startNewValue = false;
 81     }
 82     //set a new operator , applying the previous one if one exists
 83     public void setOperator(OperatorButton button){
 84         if (op == null){
 85             memory = getValue();
 86         } else {
 87             memory = op.apply(memory, getValue());
 88             setValue(memory);
 89         }
 90         op = button;
 91         startNewValue = true;
 92     }
 93     //private instance variables
 94     private OperatorButton op; //The last operator button pressed 
 95     private int memory;            // The value to which the operator is applied 
 96     private boolean startNewValue; //Set after an operator to start a new value
 97 }
 99 /*
100  * This abstract class is the superclass for every calculator button. Every button
101  * must define an action method, which is called whenever the button is clicked.
102  */
103 abstract class CalculatorButton extends JButton {
104     //Create a new CalculatorButton with the specified name 
105     public CalculatorButton(String name){
106         super(name);
107         setFont(new Font("SanSerif", Font.PLAIN, 24));
108     }
109     // Called when the button is clicked (every subclass must implement this method)
110     public abstract void action (CalculatorDisplay display);
111 }
112 /*
113  * this class is used for each of the digit button. The action consists of
114  * adding the digit used as a label on the button, which is returned by getText.
115  */
116 class DigitButton extends CalculatorButton{
117     //Creates a new DigitButton for the digit n
118     public DigitButton(int n){
119         super("" + n);
120     }
121     //Adds this digit to the display 
122     public void action(CalculatorDisplay display){
123         display.addDigit(Integer.parseInt(getText()));
124     }
126 }
127 /*
128  * This abstract class is the superclass of the various operator buttons.
129  * Each concrete subclass must override the apply method.
130  */
131 abstract class OperatorButton extends CalculatorButton{
132     //Creates a new OperatorButton with the specified name
133     public OperatorButton(String name){
134         super(name);
135     }
136     // Informs the display that this operator button has been clicked
137     public void action(CalculatorDisplay display){
138         display.setOperator(this);
139     }
140     //Applies this operator (every subclass must implement this method)
141     public abstract int apply(int lhs, int rhs);
142 }
143 /*
144  * The classes AddButton, SubstractButton, MultiplyButton, and DivideButton
145  * are the same expect for their label and the implemention of apply.
146  */
147 class AddButton extends OperatorButton{
148     public AddButton(){ super("+"); }
149     public int apply(int lhs, int rhs){ return lhs + rhs; }
150 }
152 class SubtractButton extends OperatorButton{
153     public SubtractButton() { super("-"); }
154     public int apply(int lhs, int rhs){ return lhs - rhs; }
155 }
157 class MultiplyButton extends OperatorButton{
158     public MultiplyButton(){ super("x"); }
159     public int apply(int lhs, int rhs){ return lhs - rhs; }
160 }
162 class DivideButton extends OperatorButton{
163     public DivideButton() { super("/"); }
164     public int apply(int lhs, int rhs) { return lhs / rhs; }
165 }
167 /*
168  * The EqualsButton class display the current value. As it happens, this
169  * operation can be implemented simply by setting the operator to null.
170  */
171 class EqualsButton extends CalculatorButton{
172     public EqualsButton(){
173         super("=");
174     }
175     public void action(CalculatorDisplay display){
176         display.setOperator(null);
177     }
178 }
180 /*
181  * The ClearButton class resets the calculator by setting the operator 
182  * to null and the display value to 0.
183  */
184 class ClearButton extends CalculatorButton{
185     public ClearButton(){
186         super("C");
187     }
189     public void action(CalculatorDisplay display){
190         display.setOperator(null);
191         display.setValue(0);
192     }
193 }


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