
1. 入职后QA需要的tools:

A list of software needed:

  • IDE (VSCode , IDEA)
  • Microsoft Teams / Outlook
  • Slack
  • Postman
  • SourceTree(it's better to pre-install Git)
  • Sublime Text(strong and small editor if needed)
  • Lens(local k8s IDE if needed)
  • Offset Explorer(kafka client if needed)
  • Azure Storage Explorer (azure storage tool if needed)

We usually use Teams for corprate internal communication and Slack for International teams collaboration.


2 . 需要被邀请到团队的tools:

  • Git Repositories
  • Jira
  • Teams
  • Slack
  • Jenkins


3. 缩略语和术语

  BI/BLI: Backlog Item

  KT: Knowledge Transfer

  CE: Capability Enhacement

  DRF: Data Replication Framework

  CPI: Cloud Platform Intergration


posted @ 2022-07-25 16:58  少年_不识愁滋味  阅读(503)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报