lxml.etree.HTML(text) 解析HTML文档



There is also a corresponding function HTML() for HTML literals.

>>> root = etree.HTML("<p>data</p>")
>>> etree.tostring(root)


from lxml import etree
# Parses an HTML document from a string constant.  Returns the root nood
root = etree.HTML(r.text) #<Element html at 0x7bb8208>


1.1 xpath 和 cssselect 获取文字和属性

In [83]: for item in root.xpath('//button')[:1]:
    ...:     print(item)
    ...:     print(item.text)                           #获取文字
    ...:     print(item.xpath('./@id'))
<Element button at 0x84277c8>
Requests Generator
In [84]: for item in root.cssselect('button')[:1]:
    ...:     print(item)
    ...:     print(item.text)
    ...:     print(item.cssselect('::attr(id)'))        #不支持伪元素写法
<Element button at 0x84277c8>
Requests Generator
ExpressionError: Pseudo-elements are not supported.
In [92]: for item in root.cssselect('button')[:1]:
    ...:     print(item.get('id', ''))                  #获取属性

In [93]: for item in root.cssselect('button')[:1]:
    ...:     print(item.xpath('./@id'))                 #嵌套


1.2 美化打印

print(etree.tostring(root, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8'))      # 美化打印
# You can also serialise to a Unicode string without declaration by
# passing the ``unicode`` function as encoding (or ``str`` in Py3),
# or the name 'unicode'.  This changes the return value from a byte
# string to an unencoded unicode string.
print(etree.tostring(root, encoding=str, pretty_print=True))        #py3 使之返回 text
print(etree.tostring(root, encoding=unicode, pretty_print=True))    #py2 使之返回 unicode


1.3 自动补全

In [109]: rt = etree.HTML('<html><p>123</p></html>')            #自动补全
In [110]: print(etree.tostring(rt, encoding=str, pretty_print=True))


1.4 fromstring 不支持残缺片段,不会自动补全

In [115]: rt = etree.fromstring('<html><p>456</html>')           #fromstring 不支持残缺片段,不会自动补全
XMLSyntaxError: Opening and ending tag mismatch: p line 1 and html, line 1, column 20
In [116]: rt = etree.fromstring('<html><p>456</p></html>')
In [117]: print(etree.tostring(rt, encoding=str, pretty_print=True))



posted @ 2018-06-01 16:38  my8100  阅读(27550)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报