
  • In this article we present a Natural Language interface for trip planning in complex, multimodal, urban transportation networks.(在这篇文章中,我们提出了一个用于复杂、多模式的城市交通网络中的行程规划的自然语言接口。
  • Our objective is to provide robust understanding of complex requests while giving the user flexibility in their language.(我们的目标是在为用户提供语言灵活性的同时,为复杂的请求提供健壮的理解。


  • We designed TRANQUYL, a transportation query language for trip planning.(我们设计了出行规划的交通查询语言TRANQUYL
    • Our query structure builds on the standard “SELECT , FROM, WHERE” structure of SQL.(我们的查询结构建立在 SQL 的标准“SELECT、FROM、WHERE”结构之上。
    • We retain the same base syntax and structure but extend it in two important ways.(我们保留了相同的基本语法和结构,但以两种重要的方式对其进行了扩展。
      • to query trips we introduce an operator ALL_TRIPS(为了查询行程,我们引入了一个运算符 ALL_TRIPS
      • we introduce four new clauses that allow further specification of the parameters of the trip.(我们引入了四个新的子句,允许进一步说明行程的参数
  • We developed a user-centric ontology, which defines the concepts covered by the interface and allows for a broad vocabulary. We utilize the ontology to infer the meaning of personal references and preferences so that they do not need to be explicitly stated for each request.(我们开发了一个以用户为中心的本体,它定义了接口所涵盖的概念,并允许使用广泛的词汇表。我们利用以用户为中心的本体来推断个人引用和偏好的含义,这样就不需要为每个请求显式地声明它们。
  • NL2TRANQUYL, the software system built on these foundations, translates English requests into formal TRANQUYL queries.(NL2TRANQUYL是建立在这些基础上的软件系统,它将英语请求转换成正式的TRANQUYL查询。


The translation from natural language to TRANQUYL occurs in several distinct steps.The four stages correspond to parsing, concept identification, concept attachment, and query generation.(从自然语言到TRANQUYL的转换需要几个不同的步骤,这四个阶段分别对应解析、概念识别、概念连接和查询生成。

  • It begins by parsing the input with the Stanford Parser in order to obtain both constituency and dependency parses.(它首先使用Stanford Parser解析输入,以获得选区解析和依赖解析。
  • In order to determine which concept in the ontology a specific relevant node n∈N corresponds to, two approaches are taken: (1) comparing nodes to concepts in the ontology (getOntologyConcepts), and (2) identifying specific concepts via regular expressions (getRegExConcepts).(为了确定特定相关节点n∈N对应本体中的哪个概念,采取两种方法:(1)将节点与本体中的概念进行比较(getOntologyConcepts),以及(2)通过正则表达式识别特定概念(getRegExConcepts )。
  • We use the dependency parse and three sets of strategies, guided by the ontology, to generate a knowledge map. In general, there are three primary tasks in building the map: identifying personal references, aligning modifiers, and determining which data are missing.(我们使用依赖解析和三组策略,在本体的指导下,生成知识图谱。一般来说,构建地图有三个主要任务:识别个人引用、调整修饰符和确定丢失了哪些数据。
  • The final step is generating the TRANQUYL query using the knowledge map.(最后一步是使用知识图生成 TRANQUYL 查询。


  • formal evaluation: we present an evaluation of system performance on three sets of requests: well-formatted and grammatical requests as collected from external informants, grammatical paraphrases of the requests, telegraphic or fragmented requests.(我们给出了系统在三组请求上的性能评估:从外部信息者收集的格式良好和语法规范的请求(集合A),请求的语法释义(集合B),电报或碎片化请求(集合C)
  • informal evaluation: we solicited requests from laypersons with no experience with our research. This was done by posting a “note” on Facebook and asking random contacts to read the note and respond with requests.(我们向没有研究经验的外行人征求意见。这是通过在Facebook上发布一个“通知”,并让随机联系人阅读该通知并回应请求来实现的。
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