• why

  Normally, thin-client multitiered applications are hard to write because they involve many lines of intricate code to handle transaction and state management, multithreading, resource pooling, and other complex low-level details. The component-based and platform-independent Java EE architecture makes applications easy to write because business logic is organized into reusable components. In addition, the Java EE server provides underlying services in the form of a container for every component type. Because you do not have to develop these services yourself, you are free to concentrate on solving the business problem at hand.

  通常,瘦客户端多层应用程序很难编写,因为它们涉及许多复杂的代码来处理事务和状态管理,多线程,资源池和其他复杂的低级细节。 基于组件和独立于平台的Java EE体系结构使应用程序易于编写,因为业务逻辑被组织成可重用的组件。 此外,Java EE服务器以每个组件类型的容器形式提供底层服务。 因为您不必自己开发这些服务,所以您可以集中精力解决手头的业务问题。

  • Container Types

The server and containers are as follows:

  • Java EE server: The runtime portion of a Java EE product. A Java EE server provides EJB and web containers.

  • EJB container: Manages the execution of enterprise beans for Java EE applications. Enterprise beans and their container run on the Java EE server.

  • Web container: Manages the execution of web pages, servlets, and some EJB components for Java EE applications. Web components and their container run on the Java EE server.

  • Application client container: Manages the execution of application client components. Application clients and their container run on the client.

  • Applet container: Manages the execution of applets. Consists of a web browser and a Java Plug-in running on the client together.



  • Java EE服务器:Java EE产品的运行时部分。 Java EE服务器提供EJB和Web容器。
  • EJB容器:管理Java EE应用程序的企业bean的执行。 Enterprise Bean及其容器在Java 服务器上运行。
  • Web容器:管理Java EE应用程序的Web页面,servlet和一些EJB组件的执行。 Web组件及其容器在Java EE服务器上运行。
  • 应用程序客户端容器:管理应用程序客户端组件的执行。 应用程序客户端及其容器在客户端上运行。
  • Applet容器:管理applet的执行。 由一个Web浏览器和一个在客户端上运行的Java Plug-in组成。

  • history

  • trend
  • future