#!/bin/sh ############################################################################################### # # Version :1.0 # # AUTHOR : LiuBS #CREATE DATE : 2019-01-11 # PLATFORM : Linux/AIX/HP-UX # USAGE : sh # FUNCTION : checkLink # export LC_ALL=zh_CN #Set the LANG and all environment variable beginning with LC_ to C export LANG=zh_C ############################################################################################### ################################public param################################################### checkpath=`pwd` iplist="${checkpath}/iplist.txt" #ip list resultfile="/tmp/resultfile.tmp" #result file filetime=`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'` #current time logfile="${checkpath}/checkLink${filetime}.log" #log file pingok="${checkpath}/checkLink_pingok${filetime}.log" #log pingok pingnotok="${checkpath}/checkLink_pingnotok${filetime}.log" #log pingnotok telnetok="${checkpath}/checkLink_telnetok${filetime}.log" #log telnetok telnetnotok="${checkpath}/checkLink_telnetnotok${filetime}.log" #log telnetnotok ################################public func#################################################### function log { local logcontent=$* echo "[`date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"`]:${logcontent}" } function pingCheck { local ip=$1 if [ ! -z $ip ];then local rate=`ping -c 1 -w 3 $ip|grep 'packet loss'|grep -v grep|awk -F',' '{print $3}'|awk -F'%' '{print $1}'|awk '{print $NF}'` if [ "${rate}" = "errors" ]; then rate=`ping -c 1 -w 3 $ip|grep 'packet loss'|grep -v grep|awk -F',' '{print $4}'|awk -F'%' '{print $1}'|awk '{print $NF}'` fi return "${rate}" fi } function telnetCheck { local ip=$1 local port=$2 if [ ! -z $ip ];then timeout 10 telnet $ip $port<<EOF 2>${resultfile} 1>&2 quit EOF fi } ################ main ############################################################# #default value if [ $# -eq 0 ];then port=15000 else if [ $# -gt 1 ];then log "The checkLink's params is too many ,please input 1 parameter!" exit -1 else port=$1 fi fi # Judaging OS Type and Loading the profile. if [ `uname`="Linux" ] then profile=.bash_profile else profile=.profile fi if [ -f $HOME/${profile} ] then . $HOME/${profile} fi #Init log file >${logfile} >${pingok} >${pingnotok} >${telnetok} >${telnetnotok} #Check link ping and telnet while read line do pingCheck ${line} pingRet=$? if [ "${pingRet}" = "100" ]; then log "===> ping ${line},ping is not ok!" |tee -a ${logfile} echo ${line} >> ${pingnotok} else log "===> ping ${line},ping is ok!" |tee -a ${logfile} echo ${line} >> ${pingok} telnetCheck $line $port result=`cat ${resultfile} 2>/dev/null |grep "Connection closed by foreign host"|wc -l` #log "The result of telnet is ${result}" if [ $result -eq 1 ] then log "===> telnet ${line} ${port},telnet is ok!"|tee -a ${logfile} echo ${line} >> ${telnetok} else log "===> telnet ${line} ${port},telnet is not ok!"|tee -a ${logfile} echo ${line} >> ${telnetnotok} fi fi done < $iplist #sum data ipSum=`cat $iplist|wc -l` pingOkSum=`grep "ping is ok" ${logfile}|wc -l` pingNotOKSum=`grep "ping is not ok" ${logfile}|wc -l` telnetOkSum=`grep "telnet is ok" ${logfile}|wc -l` telnetNotOKSum=`grep "telnet is not ok" ${logfile}|wc -l` log " Ip Sum : ${ipSum} Ping OK : ${pingOkSum} Ping not OK : ${pingNotOKSum} Telnet OK : ${telnetOkSum} Telnet not OK : ${telnetNotOKSum} " |tee -a ${logfile} echo 0 exit 0