JDBCtemplete 模板

package com.augmentum.oes.common;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.augmentum.oes.exception.DBException;
import com.augmentum.oes.util.DBUtil;

public class JDBCTemplete<T> {

    public List<T> query(String sql, JDBCCallback <T> jdbccallbaclk) {
        Connection conn =null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        List<T> data = new ArrayList<T>();
        boolean needMyClose = false;
        try {
          ConnectionHolder   connectionHolder = (ConnectionHolder) AppContext.getAppContext().getObject("APP_REQUEST_THREAD_CONNECTION");
              if (connectionHolder != null) {
                  conn = connectionHolder.getConn();
             if (conn == null) {
                 conn = DBUtil.getConnection();
                 needMyClose = true;

            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
            rs = stmt.executeQuery();
            while (rs.next()) {
                T object = jdbccallbaclk.rsToObject(rs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DBException();
        } finally {
            DBUtil.close(null, stmt, rs);
            if (needMyClose) {
                DBUtil.close(conn, null, null);
        return data;

    public int insert(String sql, JDBCCallback<T> jdbcCallback) {
        Connection conn =null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        int id = 0;
        boolean needMyClose = false;
        try {
          ConnectionHolder   connectionHolder = (ConnectionHolder) AppContext.getAppContext().getObject("APP_REQUEST_THREAD_CONNECTION");
              if (connectionHolder != null) {
                  conn = connectionHolder.getConn();
             if (conn == null) {
                 conn = DBUtil.getConnection();
                 needMyClose = true;
             stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql,Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);

             rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
             if (rs.next()) {
                 id = rs.getInt(1);
           } catch (Exception e) {
             throw new DBException();
           } finally {
              DBUtil.close(null, stmt, null);
              if (needMyClose) {
                  DBUtil.close(conn, null, null);
        return id;

    public void insertWithoutKey(String sql, JDBCCallback<T> jdbcCallback) {
        Connection conn =null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        boolean needMyClose = false;
        try {
          ConnectionHolder   connectionHolder = (ConnectionHolder) AppContext.getAppContext().getObject("APP_REQUEST_THREAD_CONNECTION");
              if (connectionHolder != null) {
                  conn = connectionHolder.getConn();
             if (conn == null) {
                 conn = DBUtil.getConnection();
                 needMyClose = true;
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DBException();
        } finally {
            DBUtil.close(null, stmt, null);
            if (needMyClose) {
                DBUtil.close(conn, null, null);

    public T QueryOne(String sql, JDBCCallback<T> jdbcCallback) {
       List<T> data = query(sql, jdbcCallback);

       if (data !=null && !data.isEmpty()) {
           return data.get(0);
       } else {
           return null;

    public int update(String sql,JDBCCallback<T> jdbcCallback) {
        Connection conn =null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        int count = 0;
        boolean needMyClose = false;
        try {
          ConnectionHolder   connectionHolder = (ConnectionHolder) AppContext.getAppContext().getObject("APP_REQUEST_THREAD_CONNECTION");
              if (connectionHolder != null) {
                  conn = connectionHolder.getConn();
             if (conn == null) {
                 conn = DBUtil.getConnection();
                 needMyClose = true;
             stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
             count = stmt.executeUpdate();
           } catch (Exception e) {
             throw new DBException();
           } finally {
              DBUtil.close(null, stmt, null);
              if (needMyClose) {
                  DBUtil.close(conn, null, null);
        return count;

    public int deleteByid(String sql, JDBCCallback<T> jdbcCallback) {
        Connection conn =null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        int count = 0;
        boolean needMyClose = false;
        try {
          ConnectionHolder   connectionHolder = (ConnectionHolder) AppContext.getAppContext().getObject("APP_REQUEST_THREAD_CONNECTION");
              if (connectionHolder != null) {
                  conn = connectionHolder.getConn();
             if (conn == null) {
                 conn = DBUtil.getConnection();
                 needMyClose = true;
             stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
             count = stmt.executeUpdate();
           } catch (Exception e) {
             throw new DBException();
           } finally {
              DBUtil.close(null, stmt, null);
              if (needMyClose) {
                  DBUtil.close(conn, null, null);
        return count;

    public int getCount(String sql,JDBCCallback<T> jdbcCallback) {
        Connection conn = null;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        int count =0;
        boolean needMyClose = false;
        try {
          ConnectionHolder   connectionHolder = (ConnectionHolder) AppContext.getAppContext().getObject("APP_REQUEST_THREAD_CONNECTION");
              if (connectionHolder != null) {
                  conn = connectionHolder.getConn();
             if (conn == null) {
                 conn = DBUtil.getConnection();
                 needMyClose = true;
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
            rs = stmt.executeQuery();
            if (rs.next()) {
                count = rs.getInt(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DBException();
        } finally {
            DBUtil.close(null, stmt, rs);
            if (needMyClose) {
                DBUtil.close(conn, null, null);
        return count;

    public int getCountAll(String sql) {
        return this.getCount(sql, new JDBCAbstractCallback<T>() {});
package com.augmentum.oes.common;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public interface JDBCCallback<T> {

    T rsToObject(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException;

    void setParams(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException;



package com.augmentum.oes.dao.impl;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;

import com.augmentum.oes.common.JDBCAbstractCallback;
import com.augmentum.oes.common.JDBCCallback;
import com.augmentum.oes.dao.QuestionDao;
import com.augmentum.oes.model.Question;
import com.augmentum.oes.util.Pagination;
import com.augmentum.oes.util.StringUtil;

public class QuestionDaoImpl implements QuestionDao{

    private Question rsToQuestion(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
        Question question = new Question();
        return question;

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public Question queryById(final int question_id){
        String sql = "SELECT * FROM question where id = ?" ;
        JDBCCallback<Question> j = new JDBCAbstractCallback<Question>() {
            public void setParams(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                stmt.setInt(1, question_id);

             public Question rsToObject(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                 return rsToQuestion(rs);
        List<Question> list = jdbcTemplete.query(sql,j);
        return list.get(0);

    public int update(final Question question) {
        String sql = "UPDATE question SET question_desc=?,right_choice_name=?,"
                + "choice_a=?, choice_b=?,choice_c=?,choice_d=?,question_status=? WHERE id = ?  ";
        int count =jdbcTemplete.update(sql, new JDBCAbstractCallback<Question>() {

            public void setParams(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                stmt.setString(1, question.getQuestion_desc());
                stmt.setString(2, question.getRight_choice_name());
                stmt.setString(3, question.getChoice_a());
                stmt.setString(4, question.getChoice_b());
                stmt.setString(5, question.getChoice_c());
                stmt.setString(6, question.getChoice_d());
                stmt.setInt(7, question.getQuestion_status());
                stmt.setInt(8, question.getId());

        return count;

    public List<Question> getListByKeyWord(final String keyword, Pagination pagination,String orderTags) {

        if (pagination.getCurrentPage() > pagination.getTotalCount()) {
        String sql ="SELECT * FROM question WHERE question_status = 0 AND question_desc LIKE ? ORDER BY id "+(StringUtil.isEmpty(orderTags)?"ASC":"DESC")+" LIMIT "+pagination.getOffset()+","+pagination.getPageSize() ;
        List<Question> list = jdbcTemplete.query(sql, new JDBCAbstractCallback<Question>() {
            public void setParams(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
            public Question rsToObject(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {

                return rsToQuestion(rs);
        return list;

    public List<Question> getList(Pagination pagination,String orderTags) {
        if (pagination.getCurrentPage() > pagination.getTotalCount()) {
        String sql ="SELECT * FROM question WHERE question_status = 0 ORDER BY id "+(StringUtil.isEmpty(orderTags)?"ASC":"DESC")+" LIMIT "+pagination.getOffset()+","+pagination.getPageSize() ;
        List<Question> list = jdbcTemplete.query(sql, new JDBCAbstractCallback<Question>() {

            public Question rsToObject(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                return rsToQuestion(rs);
        return list;

    public int deleteById(final int id) {
       // String sql = "DELETE FROM question where id = ?";
        String sql = "UPDATE question SET question_status=1 WHERE id= ?";
        int count = jdbcTemplete.deleteByid(sql, new JDBCAbstractCallback<Question>() {
            public void setParams(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                stmt.setInt(1, id);
        return count;

    public int getCount(final String question_desc) {
        int count =0;
        String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM question WHERE question_status = 0";
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(question_desc)) {
            count = jdbcTemplete.getCountAll(sql);
        } else {
            sql = sql +" where question_desc LIKE ?";
            count = jdbcTemplete.getCount(sql, new JDBCAbstractCallback<Question>() {
            public void setParams(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {

        return count;

    public int getNextId() {
        int nextId = 0;
        String sql = "SELECT max(id) FROM question";
        nextId = jdbcTemplete.getCountAll(sql);
        return nextId;

    public void addUpdate(final Question question) {
        String sql = "INSERT INTO question(question_status) VALUES (?)";
         jdbcTemplete.insert(sql, new JDBCAbstractCallback<Question>() {

             public void setParams(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException {
                 stmt.setInt(1, question.getQuestion_status());
View Code


二 SpringJdbcTemplate

 <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:config.properties"/> 也可以引入

  <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
        <property name="locations">


<bean id="dataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource" destroy-method="close">
        <property name="driverClass" value="${jdbc.driver}"></property>
        <property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.url}"></property>
        <property name="user" value="${jdbc.username}"></property>
        <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"></property>
        <property name="maxPoolSize" value="20" />
        <property name="minPoolSize" value="5" />
        <property name="acquireIncrement" value="3" />
        <property name="initialPoolSize" value="5"></property>
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource">
<!-- 初始化dataSource里面的参数 -->
  <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
  <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql:///spring3_day2"></property>
 <property name="username" value="root"></property>
<property name="password" value="root"></property>


<bean id="baseDao" abstract="true"> <property name="jdbcTemplate" ref="jdbcTemplate"/> </bean> <bean id="jdbcTemplate" class="org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate" > <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> </bean>     <bean class="com.augmentum.oes.util.SpringUtil" /> 其他dao 配置parent=“basedao”



读取applicationContext.xml 来得到相应实例的类    需先在xml中写入     <bean class="com.augmentum.oes.util.SpringUtil" />


public class SpringUtil implements ApplicationContextAware{
private static ApplicationContext applicationContext = null;

* nedd set in applicationContext.xml , read the ApplicationContextAware interface
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ac) throws BeansException { //beanFactory
applicationContext = ac;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
public static Object getBean(String beanId) {
ApplicationContext applicationContext = getApplicationContext();
return applicationContext.getBean(beanId);


posted @ 2017-07-28 23:36  jojoworld  阅读(273)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报