vue + vue-router+vuex+elementUI开发环境搭建


 1 //先安装国内镜像源
 2 npm install -g cnpm --registry=
 4 //安装vue
 5 cnpm install --global vue-cli
 7 //创建一个项目
 8 vue init webpack my-project
10 //安装依赖
11 cd my-project
12 cnpm install
14 //加入vue-router
15 cnpm install vue-router --save
17 //加入vuex
18 cnpm install vuex --save
20 //加入elementUI
21 cnpm i element-ui -S



 1 <template>
 2   <div id="app">
 3     <router-view/>
 4   </div>
 5 </template>
 7 <script>
 9 export default {
10   name: 'app',
11 }
12 </script>
14 <style>
15   body {
16     margin: 0;
17     padding: 0;
18     font-size: 12px;
19   }
20 </style>


 1 <template>
 2   <el-container class="is-vertical">
 3    <my-header></my-header>
 4     <el-container>
 5       <el-aside width="230px">
 6         <el-menu class="el-menu-vertical-demo" @open="handleopen" @close="handleclose" @select="handleselect"
 7                  unique-opened router background-color="#333d52"
 8                  text-color="#fff">
 9           <template v-for="(item,index) in $router.options.routes" v-if="!item.hidden">
10             <el-submenu :index="index+''" v-if="!item.leaf">
11               <template slot="title"><i :class="item.iconCls"></i>{{}}</template>
12               <el-menu-item v-for="child in item.children" :index="child.path" :key="child.path" v-if="!child.hidden">
13                 {{}}
15               </el-menu-item>
16             </el-submenu>
17             <el-menu-item v-if="item.leaf&&item.children.length>0" :index="item.children[0].path"><i :class="item.iconCls"></i>{{item.children[0].name}}</el-menu-item>
18           </template>
19         </el-menu>
20       </el-aside>
21       <el-main>
22         <router-view></router-view>
23       </el-main>
24     </el-container>
25   </el-container>
26 </template>
28 <script>
29   import header from './header'
30     export default {
31       methods: {
32         handleopen() {
33           //console.log('handleopen');
34         },
35         handleclose() {
36           //console.log('handleclose');
37         },
38         handleselect: function (a, b) {
39         },
40       },
41       components: {
42         'my-header': header,
43       }
44     }
45 </script>


 1 <template>
 2   <el-header>
 3     <el-row :gutter="12">
 4       <el-col :span="3" class="logo-width"><img src="../img/top_icon.png" alt=""></el-col>
 5       <el-col :span="6">
 6         <el-dropdown>
 7                           <span class="el-dropdown-link">
 8                             <i class="el-icon-setting" style="margin-right: 10px"></i><span>admin</span>
 9                           </span>
10           <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
11             <el-dropdown-item>设置</el-dropdown-item>
12             <el-dropdown-item>修改密码</el-dropdown-item>
13             <el-dropdown-item>退出</el-dropdown-item>
14           </el-dropdown-menu>
15         </el-dropdown>
16       </el-col>
17       <el-col :span="6" class="userinfo">
18         <el-dropdown>
19           <span type="primary">admin</span>
20           <!--<i class="el-icon-setting" style="margin-right: 15px"></i>-->
21           <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
22             <el-dropdown-item>设置</el-dropdown-item>
23             <el-dropdown-item>修改密码</el-dropdown-item>
24             <el-dropdown-item>退出</el-dropdown-item>
25           </el-dropdown-menu>
26         </el-dropdown>
27         <span>|</span>
28         <el-button type="text">退出</el-button>
29       </el-col>
30     </el-row>
31   </el-header>
32 </template>
34 <script>
36 </script>
38 <style scoped>
39   .el-header {
40     background: #373d41;
41     color: #fff;
42     line-height: 60px;
43     padding-left: 6px;
44   }
45   .el-dropdown {
46     color: #fff;
47   }
48   .logo-width {
49     width: 230px;
50     text-align: center;
51     border-color: hsla(62,77%,76%,.3);
52     border-right-width: 1px;
53     border-right-style: solid;
54   }
55   .userinfo {
56     text-align: right;
57     padding-right: 35px;
58     float: right;
59   }
60   .el-button--text {
61     color: inherit;
62   }
63 </style>



 1 // The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
 2 // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
 3 import Vue from 'vue'
 4 import App from './App'
 5 import router from './router'
 6 import ElementUi from 'element-ui'
 7 import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'
 9 Vue.use(ElementUi)
11 Vue.config.productionTip = false
12 // $router.path('/overview')
14 /* eslint-disable no-new */
15 new Vue({
16   el: '#app',
17   router,
18   template: '<App/>',
19   components: { App }
20 })



 1 import Vue from 'vue'
 2 import Router from 'vue-router'
 3 import Home from '@/components/Home'
 4 import Error from '@/components/404'
 5 import overview from '@/components/overview/overview'
 6 import instance from '@/components/instance/instance'
 7 import backup from '@/components/instance/backup'
 8 import recycleBin from '@/components/instance/recycleBin'
 9 import keypairs from '@/components/instance/keypairs'
10 import capacityCalculation from '@/components/instance/capacityCalculation'
11 import ess_alarm from '@/components/ess/ess_alarm'
12 import ess_cluster from '@/components/ess/ess_cluster'
13 import ess_policy from '@/components/ess/ess_policy'
14 import ess_profile from '@/components/ess/ess_profile'
15 import ess_timer from '@/components/ess/ess_timer'
17 Vue.use(Router);
19 export default new Router({
20   routes: [
21     {
22       path: '/',
23       component: Home,
24       name: '',
25       iconCls: 'el-icon-message',
26       leaf: true,//只有一个节点
27       children: [
28         { path: 'overview', component: overview, name: '云概览', mach: [] }
29       ]
30     },
31     {
32       path: '/404',
33       name: '404',
34       component: Error,
35       hidden: true
36     },
37     {
38       path: '/',
39       component: Home,
40       name: '云主机',
41       iconCls: 'el-icon-message',//图标样式class
42       children: [
43         { path: 'instance', component: instance, name: '云主机列表', mach: [] },
44         { path: 'recycle_bin', component: recycleBin, name: '回收站', mach: [] },
45         { path: 'capacity_calculation', component: capacityCalculation, name: '容量计算', mach: [] },
46         { path: 'backup', component: backup, name: '备份', mach: [] },
47         { path: 'keypairs', component: keypairs, name: '密钥对', mach: [] },
48       ]
49     },
50     {
51       path: '/',
52       component: Home,
53       name: '弹性伸缩',
54       iconCls: 'el-icon-message',//图标样式class
55       children: [
56         { path: 'ess_profile', component: ess_profile, name: '伸缩配置', mach: [] },
57         { path: 'ess_policy', component: ess_policy, name: '伸缩规则', mach: [] },
58         { path: 'ess_cluster', component: ess_cluster, name: '伸缩组', mach: [] },
59         { path: '/', component: Home, name: '告警任务', mach: [
60           { path: 'ess_timer', component: ess_timer, name: '定时伸缩'},
61           { path: 'ess_alarm', component: ess_alarm, name: '告警伸缩'}
62         ] }
63       ]
64     },
65   ]
66 })


posted @ 2018-06-28 16:04  秀&莹&锐  阅读(473)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报