gitea backup sh


# This script creates a .zip backup of gitea running inside docker and copies the backup file to the backup directory

echo "Delete older backup ..."
find /home/mason/gitea/gitea_backup/ -type f -mtime +9 -name "*.zip" -delete

echo "Creating gitea backup inside docker containter ..."
docker exec -u git $(docker ps -qf "name=gitea") bash -c '/app/gitea/gitea dump -c /data/gitea/conf/app.ini --file /tmp/'

echo "Copying backup file from the container to the host machine ..."
docker cp $(docker ps -qf "name=gitea"):/tmp/ /tmp

echo "Removing backup file in container ..."
docker exec -u git $(docker ps -qf "name=gitea") bash -c 'rm /tmp/'

echo "Renaming backup file ..."
BACKUPFILE=/home/mason/gitea/gitea_backup/gitea-dump-$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M").zip
mv /tmp/ $BACKUPFILE

echo "Backup file is available: "$BACKUPFILE

echo "Done."


posted @ 2023-04-18 13:56  MasonLee  阅读(53)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报