
结对次数 卓炜杰 容杰龙 预计编程时间(H) 结对编程时间(H) 总结
1 编码 指导、查询资料 2 2 实现组合投功能
 2  编码、查找资料  指导、安装SQL2012 10  6 实现数据库连接,插入数据
 3  SQL数据读写、编码、查找网络资料  指导、背景图片插入、预设数据  2  3  实现数据库读写、预设数据、背景图片设置

结对照片 :



 1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 2 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
 3         "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
 4         "http://www.hibernate.org/dtd/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd">
 6 <hibernate-configuration>
 8     <session-factory>
10         <!-- Database connection settings -->
11         <property name="connection.driver_class">com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver</property>
12     <property name="connection.url">jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=Fuli</property>
13         <property name="connection.username">eclipse</property>
14         <property name="connection.password">eclipse</property>
17         <!-- SQL dialect -->
18         <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect</property>
21         <!-- Disable the second-level cache  -->
22         <property name="cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.internal.NoCacheProvider</property>
24         <!-- Echo all executed SQL to stdout -->
25         <property name="show_sql">true</property>
27         <!-- Drop and re-create the database schema on startup -->
28         <!-- <property name="hbm2ddl.auto">update</property> -->
30         <mapping resource="Fuli/SQL_mainFrame.hbm.xml"/>
31     </session-factory>
33 </hibernate-configuration>




 1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 2 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
 3         "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
 4         "http://www.hibernate.org/dtd/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd">
 6 <hibernate-mapping package="Fuli">
 7     <class name="W_SQL_mainFrame" table="Fuli_User_mainFrame">
 8         <id name="CS" column="CS"></id>
 9         <property name="P" column="P"></property>
10         <property name="i" column="i"></property>
11         <property name="n" column="n"></property>
12         <property name="A" column="A"></property>
13         <property name="F" column="F"></property>
14     </class>
15 </hibernate-mapping>



 1 public class W_SQL_mainFrame {
 2         private int CS;
 3         private float P;
 4         private float i;
 5         private float n;
 6         private float A;
 7         private float F;
 8         public W_SQL_mainFrame() {
 9             super();
10             // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
11         }
12         public W_SQL_mainFrame(int CS, double P, double i,double n,double A,double F) {
13             super();
14             this.CS = CS;
15             this.P = (float) P;
16             this.i = (float) i;
17             this.n = (float) n;
18             this.A = (float) A;
19             this.F = (float) F;
20         }
21         public int getCS() {
22             return CS;
23         }
24         public void setCS(int CS) {
25             this.CS = CS;
26         }
27         public float getP() {
28             return P;
29         }
30         public void setP(double P) {
31             this.P = (float) P;
32         }
33         public float geti() {
34             return i;
35         }
36         public void seti(double i) {
37             this.i = (float) i;
38         }
39         public float getn() {
40             return n;
41         }
42         public void setn(double n) {
43             this.n = (float) n;
44         }
45         public float getA() {
46             return A;
47         }
48         public void setA(double A) {
49             this.A = (float) A;
50         }
51         public float getF() {
52             return F;
53         }
54         public void setF(double F) {
55             this.F = (float) F;
56         }
57 }


 1 package Fuli;
 3 import java.util.List;
 5 import org.hibernate.Session;
 6 import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
 7 import org.hibernate.SharedSessionContract;
 8 import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
11 public class SQL_mainFrame {
12     public static void write(int CS,double P,double i,double n,double A,double F){
14         W_SQL_mainFrame WS=new W_SQL_mainFrame();
15         WS.setA(A);
16         try{
17         WS.setCS(CS);
18         WS.setF(F);
19         WS.seti(i);
20         WS.setn(n);
21         WS.setP(P);}
22         catch(Exception e){
23         CS++;
24         WS.setCS(CS);
25         WS.setF(F);
26         WS.seti(i);
27         WS.setn(n);
28         WS.setP(P);
29         }
30         Configuration  cfg = new Configuration();
31         SessionFactory sf = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
32         Session session = sf.openSession();
33         session.beginTransaction();
34         session.save(WS);
35         session.getTransaction().commit();
36         session.close();    
37         sf.close();
40     }
41     public static double readF()
42     {
43         Configuration  cfg = new Configuration();
44         SessionFactory sf = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
45         Session session = sf.openSession();
46         List a=session.createSQLQuery("SELECT F FROM Fuli_User_mainFrame").list();
47         Object[] obj = (Object[]) a.get(0);
48         double F=(double) obj[0];
49         return F;
50     }
51     public static double readi()
52     {
53         Configuration  cfg = new Configuration();
54         SessionFactory sf = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
55         Session session = sf.openSession();
56         List a=session.createSQLQuery("SELECT i FROM Fuli_User_mainFrame").list();
57         Object[] obj = (Object[]) a.get(0);
58         double i=(double) obj[0];
59         return i;
60     }
62     public static double readn()
63     {
64         Configuration  cfg = new Configuration();
65         SessionFactory sf = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
66         Session session = sf.openSession();
67         List a=session.createSQLQuery("SELECT n FROM Fuli_User_mainFrame").list();
68         Object[] obj = (Object[]) a.get(0);
69         double n=(double) obj[0];
70         return n;
71     }
72     public static double readA()
73     {
74         Configuration  cfg = new Configuration();
75         SessionFactory sf = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
76         Session session = sf.openSession();
77         List a=session.createSQLQuery("SELECT A FROM Fuli_User_mainFrame").list();
78         Object[] obj = (Object[]) a.get(0);
79         double A=(double) obj[0];
80         return A;
81     }
82     public static double readP()
83     {
84         Configuration  cfg = new Configuration();
85         SessionFactory sf = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
86         Session session = sf.openSession();
87         List a=session.createSQLQuery("SELECT P FROM Fuli_User_mainFrame").list();
88         Object[] obj = (Object[]) a.get(0);
89         double P=(double) obj[0];
90         return P;
91     }
92 }






posted @ 2016-04-04 20:33  Wicker  阅读(232)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报