C# Linq 取得两个列表的交集

 我们经常会用到linq 来查询 一个数组中和另一个数组中相同的项, 这个时候就会用到IEqualityComparer接口。

public class StudyInfoModel
     public string InstanceUID = "";

public class StudyCompare : IEqualityComparer<StudyInfoModel>
        // StudyInfoModel are equal if their UID equal.
        public bool Equals(StudyInfoModel x, StudyInfoModel y)
            //Check whether the compared objects reference the same data.
            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;

            //Check whether any of the compared objects is null.
            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) || Object.ReferenceEquals(y, null))
                return false;

            //Check whether the Study' properties are equal.
            return x.InstanceUID == y.InstanceUID;

        // If Equals() returns true for a pair of objects
        // then GetHashCode() must return the same value for these objects.
        public int GetHashCode(StudyInfoModel study)
            //Check whether the object is null
            if (Object.ReferenceEquals(study, null)) return 0;

            //Get hash code for the Name field if it is not null.
            int hashStudyName = study.InstanceUID == null ? 0 : study.InstanceUID.GetHashCode();

            return hashStudyName;


以上实现了关于StudyInfoModel的IEqualityCompare接口, 其中条件为InstanceUID相同。


List<StudyInfoModel> StudyData = new List<StudyInfoModel>();
List<StudyInfoModel> StudyList = new List<StudyInfoModel>();


var needModifyStudy = StudyData.Intersect(StudyList, new StudyCompare()).ToList();

比如StudyData中是InstanceUID分别为1,2,3,4,5,6的数据, StudyList中是InstanceUID分别为2,4,6,8,10的数据, 

posted @ 2013-07-02 16:30  muzizongheng  阅读(919)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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