
Sub run() '调用全部过程。
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Call resource
Call components_xml
Call 每个节点_xml
End Sub


Sub resource()

Dim myfilename As String
Dim rang As Range

myfilename = "resources.js"
fn = FreeFile
outdir = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Open outdir & "\" & myfilename For Output Access Write Lock Write As #fn
Print #fn, "var TEXT = {"
Print #fn, """HCDM.WEB.TITLE"":""厦门恒隆兴科技有限公司数据挖掘在线分析平台"""

For ii = 1 To 6
Print #fn,
If ii = 1 Then
Print #fn, "// 1.节点显示名称"
'Set rang = Range("P5:P10000")
ElseIf ii = 2 Then
Print #fn, " //2.节点描述信息"
ElseIf ii = 3 Then
Print #fn, " //3.参数显示名称"
ElseIf ii = 4 Then
Print #fn, " //4.参数描述信息"
ElseIf ii = 5 Then
Print #fn, " //5.下拉选项显示名称"
ElseIf ii = 6 Then
Print #fn, "//6.视图组显示名称"
End If

On Error Resume Next
Worksheets.Add.Name = "temp"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$A$10000").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(1), _

For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If Worksheets("temp").Cells(i, 1) <> ","""":""""" And Worksheets("temp").Cells(i, 1) <> "" Then
Print #fn, Worksheets("temp").Cells(i, 1)
End If
Next i

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Next ii
Print #fn, "}"
Close #fn
End Sub






Function F_FindColumn(Name_Column As String) As Integer

Dim m As Integer

For i = 1 To 50

If Cells(4, i) = Name_Column Then

m = i

Exit For

End If
Next i

F_FindColumn = m
End Function



Sub components_xml()
''step 1:定义变量
Dim PathZH, NodeNameEn, NodeNameZh, NodeDescName As String ''定义字段存储变量
Dim ColPathZH, ColNodeNameEn, ColNodeNameZh, ColNodeDescName As Integer ''定义字段所在列
Dim strBeginLab, strEndLab As String ''定义标签变量
Dim CompsFileName, Dir As String ''定义输出文件信息
Dim row, nRows, RowBegin As Integer ''定义记录临时变量
Dim TmpGroups, TmpGroup, TmpGroupPath As String ''定义临时变量
Dim nGroup, PathDiffFlag As Integer

''step 2:初始化变量
ColPathZH = F_FindColumn("PathZH")
ColNodeNameZh = F_FindColumn("NodeNameZHbak")
ColNodeNameEn = F_FindColumn("NodeNameEn")
ColNodeDescName = F_FindColumn("NodeDescNamebak")

' ColPathZH = 2
' ColNodeNameEn = 4
' ColNodeNameZh = 3
' ColNodeDescName = 5
RowBegin = 5
nRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
CompsFileName = "components.xml"
Dir = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path

fn = FreeFile
Open Dir & "\" & CompsFileName For Output Access Write Lock Write As #fn
Print #fn, "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""GBK""?>" '' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?> UTF-8
Print #fn, "<components>"

''step 3:遍历所有记录
For row = RowBegin To nRows
'' A.如果路径有变化,则输出路径最末组标签,然后取得新路径值

If Cells(row, ColPathZH) <> PathZH Then
TmpGroups = Cells(row, ColPathZH)
For nGroup = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Len(TmpGroups) - Len(Replace(TmpGroups, ".", "")), Len(PathZH) - Len(Replace(PathZH, ".", "")))
TmpGroup = Left(TmpGroups, InStr(1, TmpGroups, ".") - 1)
If TmpGroup = Left(PathZH, InStr(1, PathZH, ".") - 1) Then
TmpGroups = Replace(TmpGroups, TmpGroup & ".", "")
PathZH = Replace(PathZH, TmpGroup & ".", "")
Exit For
End If
Next nGroup
If TmpGroups <> "" And PathZH <> "" Then
If InStr(1, TmpGroups, ".") > 0 Then
TmpGroup = Left(TmpGroups, InStr(1, TmpGroups, ".") - 1)
TmpGroup = TmpGroups
End If
If InStr(1, PathZH, ".") > 0 Then
TmpGroupPath = Left(PathZH, InStr(1, PathZH, ".") - 1)
TmpGroupPath = PathZH
End If
If TmpGroup = TmpGroupPathZH Then
TmpGroups = Replace(TmpGroups, TmpGroup, "")
PathZH = Replace(PathZH, TmpGroup, "")
End If
End If
If Left(PathZH, 1) = "." Then
PathZH = Mid(PathZH, 2)
End If
For nGroup = 1 To Len(PathZH) - Len(Replace(PathZH, ".", ""))
If PathZH <> "" Then
Print #fn, "</group>"
End If
Next nGroup
If PathZH <> "" Then
Print #fn, "</group>"
End If

If Left(TmpGroups, 1) = "." Then
TmpGroups = Mid(TmpGroups, 2)
End If
For nGroup = 1 To Len(TmpGroups) - Len(Replace(TmpGroups, ".", ""))
TmpGroup = Left(TmpGroups, InStr(1, TmpGroups, ".") - 1)
Print #fn, "<group name=""" & TmpGroup & """>"
TmpGroups = Replace(TmpGroups, TmpGroup & ".", "")
Next nGroup
If TmpGroups <> "" Then
Print #fn, "<group name=""" & TmpGroups & """>"
End If

PathZH = Cells(row, ColPathZH) ''处理后再赋值,是为了找出新路径已经少了的路径,并进行处理,然后再赋值
PathDiffFlag = 1
PathDiffFlag = 0
End If

'' 如果记录节点名变化,则输出节点信息
If (Cells(row, ColNodeNameEn) <> NodeNameEn Or PathDiffFlag = 1) And Cells(row, ColNodeNameEn) <> "" Then
NodeNameZh = Cells(row, ColNodeNameZh)
NodeNameEn = Cells(row, ColNodeNameEn)
NodeDescName = Cells(row, ColNodeDescName)
Print #fn, "<component class=""" & NodeNameEn & """>"
Print #fn, "<name>" & NodeNameZh & "</name>"
Print #fn, "<tips>" & NodeDescName & "</tips>"
Print #fn, "</component>"
End If
Next row
'' step 4:最后一条记录处理结束后,输出路径组的结束标签,前提是记录表是规范的,不能有路径和节点名称信息为空的情况
For nGroup = 1 To Len(PathZH) - Len(Replace(PathZH, ".", "")) + 1
If PathZH <> "" Then
Print #fn, "</group>"
End If
Next nGroup

''step 4:关闭文件
Print #fn, "</components>"
Close #fn
End Sub





Sub 每个节点_xml()




Dim f_end As String '' ">
Dim m As Integer
Dim i_start As Integer '开始行
Dim x As Integer ''缩进倍数
Dim d_A As Integer ''记录节点开始行
Dim d_int_Z As Integer '' 记录结束行
Dim d_UppLimit As String
Dim d_LowLimit As String

Dim d_class As String '' Class
Dim d_path As String ''路径
Dim d_newOpt As String ''新路径
Dim d_Single_Option As String ''单一参数

i_start = 5
nodename = 3

x = 1



Dim d_Column_NodeNameEn As Integer
d_Column_NodeNameEn = F_FindColumn("NodeNameEn")

Dim d_Column_NodeNameZH As Integer
d_Column_NodeNameZH = F_FindColumn("NodeNameZH")

Dim d_Column_NodeNameShort As Integer
d_Column_NodeNameShort = F_FindColumn("NodeNameShort")

Dim d_Column_NodeDescName As Integer
d_Column_NodeDescName = F_FindColumn("NodeDescName")

Dim d_Column_class As Integer
d_Column_class = F_FindColumn("class")

Dim d_Column_Path As Integer
d_Column_Path = F_FindColumn("Path")

Dim d_Column_Option As Integer
d_Column_Option = F_FindColumn("Options")

Dim d_Column_OptNameEn As Integer
d_Column_OptNameEn = F_FindColumn("OptNameEn")

Dim d_Column_OptDispName As Integer
d_Column_OptDispName = F_FindColumn("OptNameZH")

Dim d_Column_ParamDescName As Integer
d_Column_ParamDescName = F_FindColumn("OptDescZH")

Dim d_Column_OptValType As Integer
d_Column_OptValType = F_FindColumn("OptValType")

Dim d_Column_OptCtlType As Integer
d_Column_OptCtlType = F_FindColumn("OptCtlType")

Dim d_Column_ParamVal As Integer
d_Column_ParamVal = F_FindColumn("ParamVal")

Dim d_Column_ParamDispName As Integer
d_Column_ParamDispName = F_FindColumn("ParamValDesc")

Dim d_Column_DefaltFlag As Integer
d_Column_DefaltFlag = F_FindColumn("DefaltFlag")

Dim d_Column_FlagOpt As Integer
d_Column_FlagOpt = F_FindColumn("FlagOpt")

Dim d_Column_RefOpt As Integer
d_Column_RefOpt = F_FindColumn("RefOpt")

Dim d_Column_RefParam As Integer
d_Column_RefParam = F_FindColumn("RefParam")

Dim d_Column_ExdOpt As Integer
d_Column_ExdOpt = F_FindColumn("ExdOpt")

Dim d_Column_ExdParam As Integer
d_Column_ExdParam = F_FindColumn("ExdParam")

Dim d_Column_Edit As Integer
d_Column_Edit = F_FindColumn("Edit")

Dim d_Column_VIEW As Integer
d_Column_VIEW = F_FindColumn("VIEW")

Dim d_Column_VIEWGROUP As Integer
d_Column_VIEWGROUP = F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP")

Dim d_Column_VGDescName As Integer
d_Column_VGDescName = F_FindColumn("VGDescName")

Dim d_Column_VGDispName As Integer
d_Column_VGDispName = F_FindColumn("VGDispName")

Dim d_Column_LowLimit As Integer
d_Column_LowLimit = F_FindColumn("LowLimit")

Dim d_Column_UppLimit As Integer
d_Column_UppLimit = F_FindColumn("UppLimit")

For i = i_start To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameZH) <> "" Then
If Cells(i - 1, d_Column_NodeNameZH) <> Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameZH) Then

d_A = i
outdir = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
myfilename = Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameEn)

fn = FreeFile

Open outdir & "\" & myfilename & ".xml" For Output Access Write Lock Write As #fn

Print #fn, "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""GBK""?>"
Print #fn, " <Component type=""weka"" serverclass= """ & Cells(i, d_Column_class) & """ name=""" & Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameEn) & """ NodeNameShort=""" & Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameShort) & """"
Print #fn, " resource = """ & Cells(i, d_Column_class) & """ Group = """ & Cells(i, d_Column_Path) & """ Icon = """ & Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameEn) & ".gif"""
Print #fn, " displayName= """ & Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameZH) & """ description=""" & Cells(i, d_Column_NodeDescName) & """" _
& getNodeLink(Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameEn)) & " >"

Print #fn, "<PropertyDescriptors>"

End If

If Cells(i - 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then


For y = i To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If Cells(y, d_Column_DefaltFlag) = "是" Then

d_DefaltValue = Cells(y, d_Column_ParamVal)

Exit For
If Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(y, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
End If

Next y



If Cells(i, d_Column_ExdOpt) <> "" And Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(i - 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then



m = 0
m = Len(Cells(i, d_Column_ExdOpt)) - Len(Replace(Cells(i, d_Column_ExdOpt), ",", ""))

For Z = 1 To m + 1


If Z = 1 Then
d_Single_Option = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_ExdOpt), 1, InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_ExdOpt) & ",", ",") - 1)
d_newOpt = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_ExdOpt), InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_ExdOpt), ",") + 1) & ","
d_Single_Optval = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_ExdParam), 1, InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_ExdParam) & ",", ",") - 1)
d_newOptval = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_ExdParam), InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_ExdParam), ",") + 1) & ","
d_Single_Option = Mid(d_newOpt, 1, InStr(1, d_newOpt, ",") - 1)
d_newOpt = Mid(d_newOpt, InStr(1, d_newOpt, ",") + 1) & ","
d_Single_Optval = Mid(d_newOptval, 1, InStr(1, d_newOptval, ",") - 1)
d_newOptval = Mid(d_newOptval, InStr(1, d_newOptval, ",") + 1) & ","
End If

'' -----


For y = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If Cells(y, d_Column_Option) = d_Single_Option Then ''判断参数与互斥参数相同

d_ExdOpt = Cells(y, d_Column_OptNameEn) ''获取互斥参数英文名
'' d_ExdOpt = Cells(y, d_Column_ExdParam) ''获取参值
If Z = m + 1 Then
d_exclude = d_exclude & d_ExdOpt & ":" & d_Single_Optval
d_exclude = d_exclude & d_ExdOpt & ":" & d_Single_Optval & ","
End If
Exit For
If Cells(i, d_Column_class) <> Cells(y, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
End If
Next y
Next Z
Else ''清空变量
d_exclude = ""
End If
If Cells(i, d_Column_RefOpt) <> "" And Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(i - 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then
m = 0
m = Len(Cells(i, d_Column_RefOpt)) - Len(Replace(Cells(i, d_Column_RefOpt), ",", ""))
For Z = 1 To m + 1
If Z = 1 Then
d_Single_Option = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_RefOpt), 1, InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_RefOpt) & ",", ",") - 1)
d_newOpt = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_RefOpt), InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_RefOpt), ",") + 1) & ","
d_Single_Optval = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_RefParam), 1, InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_RefParam) & ",", ",") - 1)
d_newOptval = Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_RefParam), InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_RefParam), ",") + 1) & ","
d_Single_Option = Mid(d_newOpt, 1, InStr(1, d_newOpt, ",") - 1)
d_newOpt = Mid(d_newOpt, InStr(1, d_newOpt, ",") + 1) & ","
d_Single_Optval = Mid(d_newOptval, 1, InStr(1, d_newOptval, ",") - 1)
d_newOptval = Mid(d_newOptval, InStr(1, d_newOptval, ",") + 1) & ","
End If
For y = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If Cells(y, d_Column_Option) = d_Single_Option Then ''判断参数与关联参数相同

d_RefOpt = Cells(y, d_Column_OptNameEn) ''获取关联参数英文名
'd_RefParam = Cells(y, d_Column_RefParam) ''获取参值 RefParam
If Z = m + 1 Then

d_reference = d_reference & d_RefOpt & ":" & d_Single_Optval
d_reference = d_reference & d_RefOpt & ":" & d_Single_Optval & ","
End If

Exit For

If Cells(i, d_Column_class) <> Cells(y, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
End If

Next y

Next Z
Else ''清空变量
d_reference = ""

End If

Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 2); "<Property type=""" & Cells(i, d_Column_OptValType) & """ name = """ & Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) _
& """ displayName = """ & Cells(i, d_Column_OptDispName) & """"
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 6); "description =""" & Cells(i, d_Column_ParamDescName) _
& """ initial="""; d_DefaltValue & """ FlagOpt=""" & Cells(i, d_Column_FlagOpt) & """ edit = """; Cells(i, d_Column_Edit) & """"

Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 6); "reference = """ & d_reference & """ exclude=""" & d_exclude & """> "
d_reference = ""
d_exclude = ""
End If

If InStr(1, Cells(i, d_Column_OptCtlType), "下拉列表") > 0 And Cells(i, d_Column_OptValType) <> "boolean" Then
If Cells(i - 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then
If UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_OptCtlType)) = "下拉列表(变量复选)" Then
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 4); "<Control type=""CHOICE_VAR"" multiple = ""true"">"
ElseIf UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_OptCtlType)) = "下拉列表(变量单选)" Then
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 4); "<Control type=""CHOICE_VAR"" multiple = ""false"">"
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 4); "<Control type=""CHOICE"" >"
End If
End If

If Cells(i, d_Column_OptCtlType) = "下拉列表" Then
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 6); "<CHOICE rawValue=""" & Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal) & """ displayValue= """ & Cells(i, d_Column_ParamDispName); """/>"
End If
If Cells(i + 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 4); "</Control>"
End If

ElseIf Cells(i, d_Column_OptCtlType) = "输入框" Then
''3. RANGE 仅type为 double或者int时支持 为上限下限控制
If Cells(i, d_Column_OptValType) = "double" Or Cells(i, d_Column_OptValType) = "int" Then

d_UppLimit = Cells(i, d_Column_UppLimit)
If Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_UppLimit), 1, 1) = "." Then
d_UppLimit = "0" & Cells(i, d_Column_UppLimit)

End If

d_LowLimit = Cells(i, d_Column_LowLimit)
If Mid(Cells(i, d_Column_LowLimit), 1, 1) = "." Then
d_LowLimit = "0" & Cells(i, d_Column_LowLimit)

End If

Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 4); "<Control type=""Range"" max="""; d_UppLimit & """ min="""; d_LowLimit & """/>"

End If
ElseIf UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_OptCtlType)) = "DIALOG" Then
Dim dialogClass As String
dialogClass = "<Control type=""DIALOG"""

If UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;IMPORT_DATA" _
Or UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;IMPORT_TEST_DATA" _
Or UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;IMPORT_TRAIN_DATA" _
Or UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;IMPORT_SCORE_DATA" _
Or UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;EXPORT_DATA" _
Or UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;EXPORT_TEST_DATA" _
Or UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;EXPORT_TRAIN_DATA" _
Or UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_ParamVal)) = "&AMP;EXPORT_SCORE_DATA" _
dialogClass = dialogClass + " class=""FileView"""
End If
dialogClass = dialogClass + "/>"
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 4); dialogClass
ElseIf UCase(Cells(i, d_Column_OptCtlType)) = "TEXTAREA" Then
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 4); "<Control type=""TEXTAREA""/>"
ElseIf Cells(i, d_Column_OptValType) <> "boolean" Then
' Print #fn,Spc(x * 2 + 4);
End If

If Cells(i + 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(i, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then
Print #fn, Spc(x * 2 + 2); "</Property>"
End If

If Cells(i + 1, d_Column_NodeNameZH) <> Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameZH) Then
Print #fn, "</PropertyDescriptors>"

'' Close #fn



' Dim F_FindColumn("VIEW As Integer ' 视图
' Dim F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP As Integer ' 视图组名
' Dim F_FindColumn("VGDispName As Integer ' 视图组显示名称
' Dim F_FindColumn("VGDescName As Integer ' 视图组描述信息

Print #fn, "<Views>"
Print #fn, " <View name=""Advanced"" > "


For j = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If InStr(1, UCase(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEW)), "AD") > 0 And Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = "" Then

If Cells(j, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(j - 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then

Print #fn, "<Property name=""" & Cells(j, d_Column_OptNameEn) & """/>"
End If

End If
If Cells(j, d_Column_class) <> Cells(j + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
Next j



For j = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count


If InStr(1, UCase(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEW)), "AD") > 0 And Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) <> "" And d_VIEWGROUP_1 <> Mid(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(1, Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1) Then

For o = d_A To j - 1

If Cells(o, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) And InStr(1, UCase(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEW)), "AD") > 0 And o <> d_A Then

Exit For

d_VIEWGROUP_1 = Mid(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(1, Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1)
Print #fn,
Print #fn, "<Group name=""" & d_VIEWGROUP_1 & """ displayName=""" & Cells(j, d_Column_VGDispName); """>"
For L = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If Cells(L, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = d_VIEWGROUP_1 Then

Print #fn, "<Property name=""" & Cells(L, d_Column_OptNameEn) & """/>" ''当前路径下参数名称
End If

If Cells(L, d_Column_class) <> Cells(L + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for

End If
Next L

'' 第二层
For k = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
m = Len(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP)) - Len(Replace(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), ".", "")) ''获取点个数

''Print #fn, InStr(7, Cells(k, F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1
If m >= 1 Then ''必须至少一个点,否则InStr取负值,报错

'' Print #fn, Mid(Cells(k, F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(Len(d_VIEWGROUP_1) + 2, Cells(k, F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1)

If InStr(1, UCase(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEW)), "AD") > 0 And InStr(1, Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), d_VIEWGROUP_1) > 0 _
And d_VIEWGROUP_2 <> Mid(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(Len(d_VIEWGROUP_1) + 2, Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1) Then

d_VIEWGROUP_2 = Mid(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(Len(d_VIEWGROUP_1) + 2, Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1)

Print #fn, "<Group name=""" & d_VIEWGROUP_2 & """ displayName=""" & Cells(k, d_Column_VGDescName); """>"
For L = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If Cells(L, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = d_VIEWGROUP_2 Then

Print #fn, "<Property name=""" & Cells(L, d_Column_OptNameEn) & """/>" ''当前路径下参数名称
End If

If Cells(L, d_Column_class) <> Cells(L + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for

End If
Next L

Print #fn, "</Group>"; ''d_VIEWGROUP_2
Print #fn,
End If
If Cells(k, d_Column_class) <> Cells(k + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
End If

Next k

Print #fn,

Print #fn, "</Group>"; ''d_VIEWGROUP_1
Print #fn,

Exit For
End If

Next o

If Cells(j, d_Column_class) <> Cells(j + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
End If

Next j
Print #fn, "</View>"

Print #fn, " <View name=""Basic"" > "

d_VIEWGROUP_1 = ""
d_VIEWGROUP_2 = ""
d_VIEWGROUP_3 = ""
For j = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If InStr(1, UCase(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEW)), "B") > 0 And Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = "" Then

If Cells(j, d_Column_OptNameEn) <> Cells(j - 1, d_Column_OptNameEn) Then

Print #fn, "<Property name=""" & Cells(j, d_Column_OptNameEn) & """/>"

End If
End If
If Cells(j, d_Column_class) <> Cells(j + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
Next j


For j = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count


If InStr(1, UCase(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEW)), "BA") > 0 And Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) <> "" And d_VIEWGROUP_1 <> Mid(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(1, Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1) Then

For o = d_A To j - 1

If Cells(o, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) And InStr(1, UCase(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEW)), "BA") > 0 And o <> d_A Then

Exit For

d_VIEWGROUP_1 = Mid(Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(1, Cells(j, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1)
Print #fn,
Print #fn, "<Group name=""" & d_VIEWGROUP_1 & """ displayName=""" & Cells(j, d_Column_VGDispName); """>"
For L = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If Cells(L, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = d_VIEWGROUP_1 Then

Print #fn, "<Property name=""" & Cells(L, d_Column_OptNameEn) & """/>" ''当前路径下参数名称
End If

If Cells(L, d_Column_class) <> Cells(L + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for

End If
Next L

'' 第二层
For k = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
m = Len(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP)) - Len(Replace(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), ".", "")) ''获取点个数

''Print #fn, InStr(7, Cells(k, F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1
If m >= 1 Then ''必须至少一个点,否则InStr取负值,报错

'' Print #fn, Mid(Cells(k, F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(Len(d_VIEWGROUP_1) + 2, Cells(k, F_FindColumn("VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1)

If InStr(1, UCase(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEW)), "BA") > 0 And InStr(1, Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), d_VIEWGROUP_1) > 0 _
And d_VIEWGROUP_2 <> Mid(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(Len(d_VIEWGROUP_1) + 2, Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1) Then

d_VIEWGROUP_2 = Mid(Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP), 1, InStr(Len(d_VIEWGROUP_1) + 2, Cells(k, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) & ".", ".") - 1)

Print #fn, "<Group name=""" & d_VIEWGROUP_2 & """ displayName=""" & Cells(k, d_Column_VGDescName); """>"
For L = d_A To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

If Cells(L, d_Column_VIEWGROUP) = d_VIEWGROUP_2 Then

Print #fn, "<Property name=""" & Cells(L, d_Column_OptNameEn) & """/>" ''当前路径下参数名称
End If

If Cells(L, d_Column_class) <> Cells(L + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for

End If
Next L

Print #fn, "</Group>"; ''d_VIEWGROUP_2
Print #fn,
End If
If Cells(k, d_Column_class) <> Cells(k + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If
End If

Next k
Print #fn,

Print #fn, "</Group>"; ''d_VIEWGROUP_1
Print #fn,

Exit For
End If

Next o

End If
If Cells(j, d_Column_class) <> Cells(j + 1, d_Column_class) Then
Exit For ''当完成当前节点搜索时,跳出for
End If

Next j

Print #fn, "</View>"


Print #fn, "</Views>"

Print #fn, "</Component>"
Close #fn
End If
End If
Next i

Close #fn

End Sub









Function F_FindColumn2(Name_Column As String) As Integer

Dim m As Integer

For i = 1 To 50

If Cells(2, i) = Name_Column Then

m = i

Exit For

End If
Next i

F_FindColumn2 = m
End Function

Sub 节点封装()

Dim i_start As Integer ''定义起始位置


Dim conn As Object, sql$
Set conn = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
conn.Open "provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;extended properties='excel 12.0;hdr=yes';data source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName
''ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ''添加新sheet
'With ActiveSheet ''操作于当前sheet

Dim d_Column_NodeNameZH As Integer
d_Column_NodeNameZH = F_FindColumn2("NodeNameZH")

i_start = 3

i = 3
For i = i_start To 6


' If Cells(i - 1, d_Column_NodeNameZH) <> Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameZH) Then

'' ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ("节点封装")

sql = "select " & Cells(i, 4) & " ," & Cells(i, 4) & " ,* from [sheet1$] where 节点中文名称 = " & i ''""主成分分析"""

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("节点封装").Cells(ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("节点封装").UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1).CopyFromRecordset conn.Execute(sql) '查詢結果插入


'End If

'If Cells(i + 1, d_Column_NodeNameZH) <> Cells(i, d_Column_NodeNameZH) Then


'End If

Next i


Set conn = Nothing
' End With
End Sub


Public Function getNodeLink(NodeNameEn) As String
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim cnnstr As String
Dim mywbname As String

mywbname = ThisWorkbook.FullName
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

cnnstr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" _
& "Extended Properties=excel 12.0;" _
& "data source=" & mywbname
cnnstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
& "Extended Properties=excel 8.0;" _
& "data source=" & mywbname
cnn.Open cnnstr

''Step 1:得到连接数
sql = "select linksNbr from [1.cfg_weka_node_link_nbr$] where nodeNameEn='" & NodeNameEn & "'"
rs.Open sql, cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
'Set rs = cnn.Execute(sql,)
If rs.RecordCount = 1 Then
getNodeLink = " maxParent=""" & rs("linksNbr") & """"
MsgBox NodeNameEn & "linksNbr 配置有误,请检查!"
getNodeLink ""
Exit Function
End If

''Step 2:得到父节点''
sql = "select parent_nodeNameEN from [2.cfg_weka_node_link_relation$] where nodeNameEn=""" & NodeNameEn & """ and parent_nodeNameEN<>''"
rs.Open sql, cnn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
'Set rs = cnn.Execute(sql)
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
getNodeLink = getNodeLink & " permitConnect="""
For n = 1 To rs.RecordCount - 1
getNodeLink = getNodeLink & rs("parent_nodeNameEN") & ","
n = n + 1
Next n
getNodeLink = getNodeLink & rs("parent_nodeNameEN") & """"
Exit Function
End If


Set rs = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
End Function


posted @ 2013-01-04 15:01  木子非  阅读(549)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报