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 1 --给表添加注释
 2 --comment on table 表名 is '注释信息'
 3 comment on table corp_info is '公司基本信息表';
 4 comment on table corp_pswinfo is ' 登记信息表';
 5 comment on table org_info is '组织机构信息表';
 6 --给列添加注释
 7 --comment on column 表名.列名 is '注释信息'
 8 comment on column CORP_INFO.ID_NSRSBH is '识别号';
 9 comment on column CORP_INFO.ORG_NAME is '所属区县';
10 --读取表注释
11 --select * from user_tab_comments where comments is not null and table_name='表名';
12 select * from user_tab_comments where comments is not null and table_name='CORP_INFO';
13 --读取列注释
14 --select * from user_col_comments where comments is not null and table_name='表名';
15 select * from user_col_comments where comments is not null and table_name='CORP_INFO';


posted on 2013-12-11 14:33  划根火柴点根烟  阅读(423)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报