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1. 将OWC的内容保存成htm文件,然后调用这个htm文件打印。


最大的一个问题是,调用 window.showModalDialog后,父页面的OWC控件的内容会被清空,搞不清什么状况。

 1 protected void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 2     {
 3         try
 4         {
 5             //Export and save the OWC in HTM format.
 6             SpreadsheetClass spreadSheetClass = new SpreadsheetClass();
 7             spreadSheetClass.XMLData = hdnXML.Value;
 8             spreadSheetClass.Export(Server.MapPath("OWCXML.htm"), 
 9  Microsoft.Office.Interop.Owc11.SheetExportActionEnum.ssExportActionNone,
10  SheetExportFormat.ssExportHTML);
12             //Inject Print function into HTM file 
13             StreamWriter streamWriter;
14             streamWriter = System.IO.File.AppendText(Server.MapPath("OWCXML.htm"));
15             streamWriter.WriteLine
16 ("<html><body onload='window.print()'><table><tr><td></td></tr></table></body></html>");
17             streamWriter.Flush();
18             streamWriter.Close();
20             //Call Javascript to popup 'OWCXML.htm'
21             ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock
22 (this.GetType(), "Key1", "<script>window.showModalDialog('OWCXML.htm','popup'); </script>");
23         }
24         catch (Exception ex)
25         {
26             throw ex;
27         }
28     }

具体参考:1. OWC -Office Web Component v11.0 Print Functionality

              2. Office Web Component v11.0 Spreadsheet And AJAX Interoperatibility Part 1

2. 做一个ActiveX插件,在页面加载插件


参考:Word/Excel ActiveX Controls in ASP.NET

3. 通过VBScript在内存中打开Excel文件并调用Excel的打印功能,这是本文推荐的方式。



sub btnPrint_OnClick()
            Dim xlApp, wkbk, wksht
            'On Error Resume Next
            Set xlApp = Nothing
            Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
            If Not (xlApp Is Nothing) Then
                Set wkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("<%=httpDownloadFile%>")
                'MsgBox("<%=httpDownloadFile %>>")
                'Get a reference to the first worksheet in the new book
                Set wksht = wkbk.Worksheets(1)

                'Call AutoFit over the used range to make sure
                'everything is visible.
                'Get the page setup object
                Set pgsetup = wksht.PageSetup

                '1 = xlPortrait,   2 = xlLandscape
                pgsetup.Orientation = 2 
                pgsetup.FitToPagesWide = 1
                pgsetup.Zoom = false
                pgsetup.CenterHorizontally = true
                'Value   Paper size 
                '1       Letter (8.5 x 11 in.) 
                '2       Letter Small (8.5 x 11 in.) 
                '3       Tabloid (11 x 17 in.) 
                '4       Ledger (17 x 11 in.) 
                '5       Legal (8.5 x 14 in.) 
                '6       Statement (5.5 x 8.5 in.) 
                '7       Executive (7.25 x 10.5 in.) 
                '8       A3 (297 x 420 mm) 
                '9       A4 (210 x 297 mm) 
                '10      A4 Small (210 x 297 mm) 
                '11      A5 (148 x 210 mm) 
                '12      B4 (250 x 354 mm) 
                '13      B5 (182 x 257 mm) 
                '14      Folio (8.5 x 13 in.) 
                '15      Quarto (215 x 275 mm) 
                '16      11 x 17 in. 
                '18      Note (8.5 x 11 in.) 
                '19      Envelope #9 (3.875 x 8.875 in.) 
                '20      Envelope #10 (4.125 x 9.5 in.) 
                '21      Envelope #11 (4.5 x 10.375 in.) 
                '22      Envelope #12 (4.25 x 11 in.) 
                '23      Envelope #14 (5 x 11.5 in.) 
                '24      C size sheet (17 x 22 in.) 
                '25      D size sheet (22 x 34 in.) 
                '26      E size sheet (34 x 44 in.) 
                '27      Envelope DL (110 x 220 mm) 
                '28      Envelope C5 (162 x 229 mm) 
                '29      Envelope C3 (324 x 458 mm) 
                '30      Envelope C4 (229 x 324 mm) 
                '31      Envelope C6 (114 x 162 mm) 
                '32      Envelope C65 (114 x 229 mm) 
                '33      Envelope B4 (250 x 353 mm) 
                '34      Envelope B5 (176 x 250 mm 
                '35      Envelope B6 (176 x 125 mm) 
                '36      Envelope (110 x 230 mm) 
                '37      Envelope Monarch (3.875 x 7.5 in.) 
                '38      6-3/4 Envelope (3.625 x 6.5 in.) 
                '39      US Std Fanfold (14.875 x 11 in.) 
                '40      German Std Fanfold (8.5 x 12 in.) 
                '41      German Legal Fanfold (8.5 x 13 in.) 
                '256     User-defined 
                pgsetup.PaperSize = 9

                 'Set UserControl to True and Visible to True
                'to bring Excel to the foreground and let
                'the user interact with it. Excel will not close
                'when the xlApp variable falls out of scope because
                'of these calls
                xlApp.UserControl = True
                'If U want PrintPreview, U need set Visible = true!
                xlApp.Visible = false
                'put the current worksheet into print preview

                xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False

                'release all our Excel objects
                'Set pgsetup = Nothing
                Set wksht = Nothing
                Set wkbk = Nothing
                Set xlApp = Nothing
            End If
        end sub



 1 sub btnPrint_OnClick()
 2             Dim xlApp, wkbk, wksht
 3             'document.Form1.SpreadSheet1.ActiveSheet.Activate()
 4             '复制OWC中的内容 'document.Form1.SpreadSheet1.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy 
 5             On Error Resume Next
 6             Set xlApp = Nothing
 7             Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
 9             If Not (xlApp Is Nothing) Then
10                 'Add a new workbook to the Excel instance
11                 Set wkbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
13                 'Get a reference to the first worksheet in the new book
14                 Set wksht = wkbk.Worksheets(1)
16                 'Paste the contents of the clipbard into that sheet
17                 wksht.Paste wksht.Range("a1")
19                 'Call AutoFit over the used range to make sure
20                 'everything is visible.
21                 wksht.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit
23                 'Get the page setup object
24                 Set pgsetup = wksht.PageSetup
26                 '1 = xlPortrait,   2 = xlLandscape
27                 pgsetup.Orientation = 2 
28                 pgsetup.FitToPagesWide = 1
29                 pgsetup.Zoom = false
30                 pgsetup.CenterHorizontally = true
31                 pgsetup.PaperSize = 9
33                  'Set UserControl to True and Visible to True
34                 'to bring Excel to the foreground and let
35                 'the user interact with it. Excel will not close
36                 'when the xlApp variable falls out of scope because
37                 'of these calls
38                 xlApp.UserControl = True
39                 'If U want PrintPreview, U need set Visible = true!
40                 xlApp.Visible = false
42                 'put the current worksheet into print preview
43                 'wksht.PrintPreview
45                 wksht.PrintOut
47                 xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
48                 xlApp.Quit
50                 'release all our Excel objects
51                 'Set pgsetup = Nothing
52                 Set wksht = Nothing
53                 Set wkbk = Nothing
54                 Set xlApp = Nothing
55             End If
56         end sub


 参考:Code Walkthrough: Printing the PivotTable Component from Microsoft Internet Explorer

FILE: OWCHelpr.exe Demonstrates Automation to Excel for Printing a PivotTable Component on a Web Page

Hui’s Excel Report Printer


1. ActiveX component can't create object: 'Excel.Application'


2. Unable to set the PaperSize property of the PageSetup class


默认的纸张来源为Paper input bin, 需要更改为Automatically Select.

posted on 2013-01-30 10:18  Jsang  阅读(2039)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报