


      《OMG UML Superstructure》中对于组件的语义描述一段感觉比较精彩,特翻译如下,不当之处请大家指正。








A component is a self contained unit that encapsulates the state and behavior of a number of classifiers. A component specifies a formal contract of the services that it provides to its clients and those that it requires from other components or services in the system in terms of its provided and required interfaces.

A component is a substitutable unit that can be replaced at design time or run-time by a component that offers equivalent functionality based on compatibility of its interfaces. As long as the environment obeys the constraints expressed by the provided and required interfaces of a component, it will be able to interact with this environment. Similarly, a system can be extended by adding new component types that add new functionality.

The required and provided interfaces of a component allow for the specification of structural features such as attributes and association ends, as well as behavioral features such as operations and events. A component may implement a provided interface directly, or, its realizing classifiers may do so, or they may be inherited. The required and provided interfaces may optionally be organized through port, these enable the definition of named sets of provided and required interfaces that are typically (but not always) addressed at run-time.

A component has an external view (or “black-box” view) by means of its publicly visible properties and operations. Optionally,a behavior such as a protocol state machine may be attached to an interface, port, and to the component itself, to define the external view more precisely by making dynamic constraints in the sequence of operation calls explicit. Other behaviors may also be associated with interfaces or connectors to define the ‘contract’ between participants in a collaboration (e.g., in terms of use case, activity, or interaction specifications).

The wiring between components in a system or other context can be structurally defined by using dependencies between component interfaces (typically on structure diagrams). Optionally, a more detailed specification of the structural collaboration can be made using parts and connectors in composite structures, to specify the role or instance level collaboration between components (See Clause Composite Structures).

A component also has an internal view (or “white-box” view) by means of its private properties and realizing classifiers. This view shows how the external behavior is realized internally. The mapping between external and internal view is by means of dependencies (on structure diagrams), or delegation connectors to internal parts (on composite structure diagrams).


posted on 2012-06-24 00:34  学而不思  阅读(324)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报