原文连接:https://mattwarren.org/2017/08/02/A-look-at-the-internals-of-boxing-in-the-CLR/ 作者 Matt Warren。授权翻译,转载请保留原文链接。
注意:本文不会讨论如何检测装箱,以及它是如何影响性能的或者如何避免装箱发生(和Ben Adams来讨论这些吧!)。本文只谈论装箱是如何工作的。
- How the .NET Runtime loads a Type
- Arrays and the CLR - a Very Special Relationship
- The CLR Thread Pool ‘Thread Injection’ Algorithm
- The 68 things the CLR does before executing a single line of your code
- How do .NET delegates work?
- Why is reflection slow?
- How does the ‘fixed’ keyword work?
// Check to see if the class is a valuetype; but we don't want to mark System.Enum
// as a ValueType. To accomplish this, the check takes advantage of the fact
// that System.ValueType and System.Enum are loaded one immediately after the
// other in that order, and so if the parent MethodTable is System.ValueType and
// the System.Enum MethodTable is unset, then we must be building System.Enum and
// so we don't mark it as a ValueType.
但是,为了了解程序执行期间会发生什么,让我们从一个简单的C#程序开始。 下面的代码创建了一个自定义的struct或者说值类型,然后对其“装箱”和“拆箱”:
public struct MyStruct
public int Value;
var myStruct = new MyStruct();
// boxing
var boxed = (object)myStruct;
// unboxing
var unboxed = (MyStruct)boxed;
以上的C#代码将变成以下IL代码,在其中你可以看到box和unbox.any 这2个IL指令:
L_0000: ldloca.s myStruct
L_0002: initobj TestNamespace.MyStruct
L_0008: ldloc.0
L_0009: box TestNamespace.MyStruct
L_000e: stloc.1
L_000f: ldloc.1
L_0010: unbox.any TestNamespace.MyStruct
Runtime and JIT code
那么,JIT如何处理这些IL操作码呢? 通常情况下,它会连接(wires up)并内联(inline)运行时提供的“JIT Helper 方法“——经过优化并且手写的汇编代码。 下面的链接会带你进入CoreCLR源代码中的相关代码行:
- 特定CPU的优化版本(会在运行时进行wired-up)
- JIT_BoxFastMP_InlineGetThread (AMD64 - multi-proc or Server GC, implicit TLS)
- JIT_BoxFastMP (AMD64 - multi-proc or Server GC)
- JIT_BoxFastUP (AMD64 - single-proc and Workstation GC)
- JIT_TrialAlloc::GenBox(..) (x86), which is independently wired-up
- 在常见情况下,JIT内联“helper“函数调用,请参见Compiler :: impImportAndPushBox(..)
- 最通用的则是用作后备的未优化版本,MethodTable::Box(..)
- 最终会调用CopyValueClassUnchecked(..)
- 和Stack Overflow上的问题“Why is struct better with being less than 16 bytes?“的答案相关。
有趣的是,唯一得到这种“JIT Helper 方法“特殊待遇是object,string以及array的分配,这恰好说明了装箱对性能的敏感性。
作为对比,“拆箱“只有一个叫做JIT_Unbox(..)的”helper方法“,在一些不常见的情况下有可能会使用JIT_Unbox_Helper(..)作为后备方法。它的连接可以查看这里( CORINFO_HELP_UNBOX 到 JIT_Unbox )。在常见的情况下,JIT也会将这个helper方法进行内联以节约方法调用的开销,详情查看Compiler::impImportBlockCode(..)。
请注意,“Unbox helper”仅获取“装箱”数据的引用/指针,然后必须将其放入堆栈中。 正如我们在上面看到的,当C#编译器执行拆箱操作时,它使用的是“Unbox_Any”操作码,而不仅是“Unbox”,请参见Unboxing does not create a copy of the value以获取更多信息。(Unbox_Any等价于unbox操作之后再执行ldobj操作,即拷贝操作——译者注)。
public struct MyStruct
public int Value;
public override string ToString()
return "Value = " + Value.ToString();
现在,如果我们查看运行时为装箱版本的MyStruct创建的“方法表”(请记住,值类型没有“方法表”),我们会发现发生了一些奇怪的事情。 请注意,MyStruct::ToString有2个条目,我将其中之一标记为“拆箱存根”
Method table summary for 'MyStruct':
Number of static fields: 0
Number of instance fields: 1
Number of static obj ref fields: 0
Number of static boxed fields: 0
Number of declared fields: 1
Number of declared methods: 1
Number of declared non-abstract methods: 1
Vtable (with interface dupes) for 'MyStruct':
Total duplicate slots = 0
SD: MT::MethodIterator created for MyStruct (TestNamespace.MyStruct).
slot 0: MyStruct::ToString 0x000007FE41170C10 (slot = 0) (Unboxing Stub)
slot 1: System.ValueType::Equals 0x000007FEC1194078 (slot = 1)
slot 2: System.ValueType::GetHashCode 0x000007FEC1194080 (slot = 2)
slot 3: System.Object::Finalize 0x000007FEC14A30E0 (slot = 3)
slot 5: MyStruct::ToString 0x000007FE41170C18 (slot = 4)
<-- vtable ends here
之所以需要它,是因为如果你在装箱版的MyStruct上调用ToString()方法,会调用在MyStruct内声明的重写方法(这是你想要执行的操作),而不是Object::ToString()的版本。 但是,MyStruct::ToString()希望能够访问struct中的任何字段,例如本例中的Value。 为此,运行时/JIT必须在调用MyStruct::ToString()之前调整this指针,如下图所示:
1. MyStruct: [0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00]
| Object Header | MethodTable | MyStruct |
2. MyStruct (Boxed): [0x40 0x5b 0x6f 0x6f 0xfe 0x7 0x0 0x0 0x5 0x0 0x0 0x0]
object 'this' pointer |
| Object Header | MethodTable | MyStruct |
3. MyStruct (Boxed): [0x40 0x5b 0x6f 0x6f 0xfe 0x7 0x0 0x0 0x5 0x0 0x0 0x0]
adjusted 'this' pointer |
- 原始的struct,在栈上。
- struct被装箱到一个存在在堆上的object。
- 调整this指针,以使MyStruct::ToString()能够正常工作。
(如果你想了解更多.NET object的内部机制,可以查看这篇有用的文章)
- MethodDesc::DoPrestub(..) (calls
) - MakeUnboxingStubWorker(..) (calls
to create the stub)
运行时/JIT必须采取这些技巧来帮助维持这样一种错觉,即struct可以像class一样运行,即使它们在底层区别很大。 请参阅Eric Lipperts对 How do ValueTypes derive from Object (ReferenceType) and still be ValueTypes? 问题的回答, 以对此有更多的了解。
Useful code comments related to boxing/unboxing stubs
- MethodTableBuilder::AllocAndInitMethodDescChunk(..)
- MethodDesc::FindOrCreateAssociatedMethodDesc(..) (in genmeth.cpp)
- Compiler::impImportBlockCode(..)
- Note on different ‘Boxing’ modes, added as part of the work on JIT: modify box/unbox/isinst/castclass expansions for fast jitting
GitHub Issues
- Question: Boxing on stack for function calls
- Boxing Cache?
- Improve the default hash code for structs (read the whole discussion)
- JIT: Fix value type box optimization
- (Discussion) Lightweight Boxing?
Other similar/related articles
- .NET Type Internals - From a Microsoft CLR Perspective (section on ‘Boxing and Unboxing’)
- C# value type boxing under the hood (section on ‘Interface call into the value type instance method’)
- Value type methods – call, callvirt, constrained and hidden boxing
- Performance Quiz #12 – The Cost of a Good Hash – Solution (Rico Mariani)
- To box or not to box (Eric Lippert)
- Beware of implicit boxing of value types
- Method calls on value types and boxing
Stack Overflow Questions
- CLR specification on boxing
- How CLR works when invoking a method of a struct
- boxing on structs when calling ToString()
- Does calling a method on a value type result in boxing in .NET?
- Why does implicitly calling toString on a value type cause a box instruction
- Why is struct better with being less than 16 bytes
- When are Type Objects for Value Types created?
- If my struct implements IDisposable will it be boxed when used in a using statement?
- When does a using-statement box its argument, when it’s a struct?