
import pygame
import sys
import random
class Bird(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.birdRect = pygame.Rect(60, 50, 50, 50)    # 鸟的矩形
        # 定义鸟的3种状态列表
        self.birdStatus = [pygame.image.load("naio.png"),
        self.status = 0   # 默认飞行状态
        self.birdX = 120   # 鸟所在X轴坐标
        self.birdY = 350    # 鸟所在Y轴坐标,即上下飞行高度
        self.jump = False      # 默认情况小鸟自动降落
        self.jumpSpeed = 10    # 跳跃高度
        self.gravity = 5    # 重力
        self.dead = False     # 默认小鸟生命状态为活着

    def birdUpdate(self):
        if self.jump:
            # 小鸟跳跃
            self.jumpSpeed -= 1    # 速度递减,上升越来越慢
            self.birdY -= self.jumpSpeed    # 鸟Y轴坐标减小,小鸟上升
            # 小鸟坠落
            self.gravity += 0.2     # 重力递增,下降越来越快
            self.birdY += self.gravity      # 鸟Y轴坐标增加,小鸟下降
        self.birdRect[1] = self.birdY    # 更改Y轴位置

class Pipeline(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.wallx = 400      # 管道所在X轴坐标
        self.pineUp = pygame.image.load("shang.png")     # 加载上管道图片
        self.pineDown = pygame.image.load("xia.png")     # 加载下管道图片

    def updatePipeline(self):
        self.wallx -= 5      # 管道X轴坐标递减,即管道向左移动
        # 当管道运行到一定位置,即小鸟飞越管道,分数加1,并且管道重置
        if self.wallx < -80:
            global score
            score += 1
            self.wallx = 400

def createMap(screen, background, font):
    screen.fill((255, 255, 255))     # 填充颜色
    screen.blit(background, (0, 0))    # 填入到背景

    # 显示管道
    screen.blit(Pipeline.pineUp, (Pipeline.wallx, -200))     # 上管道坐标位置(X,Y)
    screen.blit(Pipeline.pineDown, (Pipeline.wallx, 500))    # 下管道坐标位置(X,Y)
    Pipeline.updatePipeline()      # 管道移动

    # 显示小鸟
    if Bird.dead:     # 撞管道状态
        Bird.status = 2
    elif Bird.jump:    # 起飞状态
        Bird.status = 1
    screen.blit(Bird.birdStatus[Bird.status], (Bird.birdX, Bird.birdY))    # 设置小鸟的坐标
    Bird.birdUpdate()     # 鸟移动

    # 显示分数
    screen.blit(font.render("score: " + str(score), -1, (255, 255, 255)), (230, 20))    # 设置颜色及坐标位置

    pygame.display.update()    # 更新显示

def checkDead():
    # 上方管子的矩形位置
    upRect = pygame.Rect(Pipeline.wallx, -200,Pipeline.pineUp.get_width() - 10, Pipeline.pineUp.get_height())
    # 下方管子的矩形位置
    downRect = pygame.Rect(Pipeline.wallx, 500, Pipeline.pineDown.get_width() - 10, Pipeline.pineDown.get_height())
    # 检测小鸟与上下方管子是否碰撞
    if upRect.colliderect(Bird.birdRect) or downRect.colliderect(Bird.birdRect):
        Bird.dead = True
        return True
        return False

def getResult():
    final_text1 = "Game over"
    final_text2 = "Your final score is: " + str(score)
    ft1_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 70)      # 设置第一行文字字体
    ft1_surf = ft1_font.render(final_text1, 1, (242, 3, 36))     # 设置第一行文字的颜色
    ft2_font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 50)     # 设置第二行文字字体
    ft2_surf = ft2_font.render(final_text2, 1, (253, 177, 6))    # 设置第二行文字颜色
    # 设置第一行文字显示位置
    screen.blit(ft1_surf, [screen.get_width() / 2 - ft1_surf.get_width() / 2, 100])
    # 设置第二行文字显示位置
    screen.blit(ft2_surf, [screen.get_width() / 2 - ft2_surf.get_width() / 2, 200])

    pygame.display.flip()    # 更新整个待显示的Surface对象到屏幕上

if __name__ == "__main__":

    pygame.init()     # 初始化pygame
    pygame.font.init()    # 初始化字体
    font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 50)    # 设置默认字体和大小
    size = width, height = 400, 700    # 设置窗口
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)    # 显示窗口
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()    # 设置时钟
    Pipeline = Pipeline()     # 实例化管道类
    Bird = Bird()    # 实例化鸟类
    score = 0    # 初始化分数
    again = True
    while True:
        clock.tick(60)     # 每秒执行60次
        # 轮询事件

        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN or event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) and not Bird.dead:
                Bird.jump = True     # 跳跃
                Bird.gravity = 5    # 重力
                Bird.jumpSpeed = 10     # 跳跃速度
            if Bird.dead and (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
                again = True
                score = 0
        background = pygame.image.load("bg.png")     # 加载背景图片
        if checkDead():   # 检测小鸟生命状态
            getResult()# 如果小鸟死亡,游戏结束,显示游戏总分数
            createMap(screen, background, font)    # 绘制地图
    pygame.quit()    # 退出


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