定义: SQL注入攻击(SQL injection,台湾称作SQL资料隐码攻击),简称注入攻击,是发生于应用程序之数据库层的安全漏洞。简而言之,是在输入的字符串之中注入SQL指令,在设计不良的程序当中忽略了检查,那么这些注入进去的指令就会被数据库服务器误认为是正常的SQL指令而运行,因此遭到破坏。
    有部份人认为SQL注入攻击是只针对Microsoft SQL Server而来,但只要是支持批次处理SQL指令的数据库服务器,都有可能受到此种手法的攻击。


  1.     维基百科上的SQL注入文章 >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
  2.     SQL实例教学 >> http://unixwiz.net/techtips/sql-injection.html
  3.     SQL快速参考手册 >> http://ferruh.mavituna.com/sql-injection-cheatsheet-oku/
  4.     OWASP关于SQL注入的介绍 >>http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection
  5.     微软SQL注入攻击概述 >> http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/library/ms161953.aspx
  6.     微软关于SQL注入防御的文章 >>http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163917.aspx
  7.     一份完整的SQL注入教程 >> http://st-curriculum.oracle.com/tutorial/SQLInjection/index.htm
  8.     MYSQL SQL注入教程 >> http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/mysql-php-sql-injection.php
  9.     Oracle SQL注入教程 >> http://www.net-security.org/dl/articles/IntegrigyIntrotoSQLInjectionAttacks.pdf
  10.     如何利用SQL漏洞进行攻击 >> http://sqlzoo.net/hack/
  11.     OWASP SQL注入防御参考手册 >> http://www.owasp.org/index.php/SQL_Injection_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet
  12.     RSnake躲避SQL注入过滤的参考手册 >> http://ha.ckers.org/sqlinjection/


  1.     sqlmap– sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of back-end database servers.
  2.     Absinthe Absinthe is a gui-based tool that automates the process of downloading the schema & contents of a database that is vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection.
  3.     Pangolin Pangolin is an automatic SQL injection penetration testing tool developed by NOSEC.ts goal is to detect and take advantage of SQL injectio.
  4.     sqlninja– a SQL Server injection & takeover tool.
  5.     SQLIer– SQLIer takes an SQL Injection vulnerable URL and attempts to determine all the necessary information to build and exploit an SQL Injection hole by itself, requiring no user interaction at all (unless it can't guess the table/field names correctly).
  6.     SQL Injection Brute-forcer – SQLibf is a tool for automatizing the work of detecting and exploiting SQL Injection vulnerabilities. SQLibf can work in Visible and Blind SQL Injection. It works by doing simple logic SQL operations to determine the exposure level of the vulnerable application
  7.     SQID – SQL Injection digger (SQLID) is a command line program that looks for SQL injections and common errors in websites. It can perform the follwing operations: look for SQL injection in a web pages and test submit forms for possible SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  8.     FJ-Injector Framwork – FG-Injector is a free open source framework designed to help find SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. It includes a proxy feature for intercepting and modifying HTTP requests, and an interface for automating SQL injection exploitation.
  9.     BobCat – BobCat is a tool to aid an auditor in taking full advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities. It is based on AppSecInc research. It can list the linked severs, database schema, and allow the retrieval of data from any table that the current application user has access to.

posted on 2011-03-24 01:43  =_=!  阅读(437)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
