search+ home page

The search+ will make your searching and site-opening easier!
After install search+, when your page has no focused input element you can type your wanted site url or search words.You need not go to address bar any more!
1: If your input can represent a url, you can go to the website directly;
2: If your input is not a url, you can search the words by default engine; If you want to search by special engine, just followed a ';',then you can see a engine list; you can special the engine by index or keywords of the engine;
3: You also can fill the input from clipboard by 'ctrl + v';
4: You can also pop the search input by 'ctrl+;'
5: You can switch on/off the addon by 'ctrl+shift+;' when it disturbs your input;

当你安装了 search+ 后,在当前页面没有输入框被选中的情况下,你可以直接输入你想要访问的网址或者想要搜索的字符串(无需将鼠标定位到地址栏!!!);
3:在搜索框未弹出的情况下可以直接用 ctrl+v 把剪贴版的东西复制到输入框;
5:当该工具影响到您的输入时,您可以通过‘ctrl+shift+;’ 来快速的关闭和启动该工具;
posted @ 2013-11-18 22:19  muhawo  阅读(761)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报