<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
test = document.getElementById('test');
test.style.backgroundColor = "red";
window.onload = function(){
test = document.getElementById('test');
test.style.backgroundColor = "red";
<p id="test">dom的广泛使用是有道理的,以下是一些原因:</p>
<p id="test">dom的广泛使用是有道理的,以下是一些原因:</p>
于是,将test设为局部变量,即将“test=document.getElementById('test')”改为“var test=getElementById('test')”。就能在ie下看到红色文本的效果了。然后我又在将原来的test换成其它变量名,并且还是全局变量。还是能看到效果。翻了翻犀牛书,发现test不是javascript的关键字或保留字,这就肯定了test不能作为ie全局变量名这一结论。所以以后在写js的时候还要好好注意变量的命名。这里就先把js关键字和保留字列出来。o(∩_∩)o...
Reserved JavaScript keywords
break | if | do | switch | typeof |
case | else | in | this | var |
catch | false | instanceof | tHRow | void |
continue | finally | new | true | while |
default | for | null | try | with |
delete | function | return |
Words reserved for ECMA extensions
abstract | double | goto | native | static |
boolean | enum | implements | package | super |
byte | export | import | private | synchronized |
char | extends | int | protected | throws |
class | final | interface | public | TRansient |
const | float | long | short | volatile |
debugger |
Other identifiers to avoid
arguments | encodeURL | Infinite | Object | String |
Array | Error | isFinite | praseFloat | syntaxError |
Boolean | escape | isNaN | parseInt | typeError |
Date | eval | Math | RangError | undefined |
decodeURL | EvalError | NaN | ReferenceError | unescape |
decodeURLComponent | Function | Number | RegExp | URLError |