在清洗日志时,有一个应用场景,就是TCP输出时,须要在一个主机挂了的情况下,自已切换到下一个可用入口。而原tcp output仅支持单个目标主机设定。故本人在原tcp的基础上,开发出tcp_multihost输出插件,来满足此场景。
github: http://github.com/xiaohelong2005
# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "thread" #@auhor:xiaohelong #@date:2014-10-24 #@email:xiaohelong2005@gmail.com # Write events over a TCP socket. #Auto select the host from iplist to tolerate the link # Each event json is separated by a newline. # # Can connect to a server, class LogStash::Outputs::Tcp_Multihost < LogStash::Outputs::Base config_name "tcp_multihost" milestone 0 default :codec, "json" # the address to connect to. #hosts config example config :hosts, :validate => :array, :required => true,:default=>{} config :reconnect_times, :validate => :number,:default=>3 # When connect failed,retry interval in sec. config :reconnect_interval, :validate => :number, :default => 10 #last available host @hosts_size=0 #last available host ip @host="" #last available port @port=9200 #retry action count,if retry_count<=0,we need to update the host and port , also include retry_count itself @retry_count=0 #get the desgined index data @initloc=0 public def register require "stud/try" #here we use the recorded host,if recorded host is not available, we need update it @retry_count=@reconnect_times @hosts_size=@hosts.length @logger.info("length:#@hosts_size; hosts:#@hosts") @initloc=Random.rand(@hosts_size)#generate 0-(hosts_size-1) int @logger.info("initloc:#@initloc") icount=0; @hosts.each do |hosthash| @logger.info("hosthash info",hosthash) end#do @host=@hosts[@initloc].keys[0] @port=@hosts[@initloc][@host] client_socket = nil @codec.on_event do |payload| begin @retry_count=@reconnect_times#here we need to init retry mark client_socket = connect unless client_socket r,w,e = IO.select([client_socket], [client_socket], [client_socket], nil) # don't expect any reads, but a readable socket might # mean the remote end closed, so read it and throw it away. # we'll get an EOFError if it happens. client_socket.sysread(16384) if r.any? # Now send the payload client_socket.syswrite(payload) if w.any? @logger.info("tcp output info:", :host => @host, :port => @port, :exception => e, :backtrace => e.backtrace) rescue => e @logger.warn("tcp output exception", :host => @host, :port => @port, :exception => e, :backtrace => e.backtrace) client_socket.close rescue nil client_socket = nil @retry_count-=1 @logger.info("retry_count:#@retry_count") if @retry_count<=0 @initloc+=1 @initloc=@initloc%@hosts_size #update init location @host=@hosts[@initloc].keys[0] @port=@hosts[@initloc][@host] @retry_count=@reconnect_times #update retry_count @logger.info("retry_count <=0,initloc:#@initloc,retry_count=#@retry_count:", :host => @host, :port => @port, :exception => e, :backtrace => e.backtrace) end sleep @reconnect_interval retry end end end # def register private def connect Stud::try do return TCPSocket.new(@host,@port) end end # def connect public def receive(event) return unless output?(event) @codec.encode(event) end # def receive end # class LogStash::Outputs::Tcp_multihost
] #主机列表
workers =>16 #线程,默认1
reconnect_times=>3 # 默认3次, 尝试多少次数后切换
reconnect_interval=>3 #默认10秒,失败重连间隔
"LOGSTASH_HOME/bin/logstash" agent --debug -f "LOGSTASH_HOME/config/shipper.config" --pluginpath "LOGSTASH_HOME"
nc -lkv 9201 之类的