• 险胜:
    • win by a narrow margin
    • We won narrowly
    • edge out

1. 介词

  • against the law:违法
  • at last:最后
  • in a row:连续|
  • rate:rate at which to …
  • along the way we will
  • apart from self.backprop the program is self-explanatory.

2. 动词

  • bleed onto:融入,与。。。融合;
    • bleed:使出血,榨取;
  • fare against:和…相比的表现;
    • No one really knows how Italians will fare against Kiwis(Kiwi 新西兰人的复数) until they face each other.
    • 在意大利队和新西兰队开始比赛前,没人真的知道两队会有何种表现。
  • lift off:(火箭等)发射;(直升飞机)起飞
  • adopt zoning laws:制定分区法
  • opting for:选择
    • opting for cremation 选择火化遗体
  • get around:躲开,避开,避免;
    to get around this shortcoming
  • fit the bill:
    • 刚好符合要求,满足要求;
  • sustain the family:维持,
  • feed on:以…为食;
    • crabs feed on dead skin.
  • drill down:深度探讨;
  • explain away:通过解释消除;
  • break down the problem:分解
    • If you have a problem with a major life issue like finances, home improvement(装修), child classwork, break down the problem to it’s basic form.

3. 名词

  • absence of consent:
    • 未经同意;
    • in the absence of such consent,

4. 固定短语

  • catch on:理解,明白;变得流行;

5. 副词

  • China now intends to restore the natural order, and does not need directions from others, least of all Japan.


posted on 2016-08-13 10:02  未雨愁眸  阅读(430)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报