• SATA Mode Section:

    • ADHI:

      Advanced Host Controller Interface - this is a hardware mechanism that allows the software to communicate with Serial ATA (SATA) devices. It offers features such as hot-plugging and native command queuing (NCQ).

    • IDE:

      Integrated Drive Electronics - IDE is basically the “old” version of AHCI without hot-plugging and NCQ. (This is usually used during the Parallel ATA (PATA) era hard disks)

    其中 SATA:Serial ATA (SATA),Serial Advanced Technology Attachment(串行高级技术附件,一种基于行业标准的串行硬件驱动器接口


ACPI 是 Advanced Configuration and Power Interface 的首字母缩写,一般翻译成高级配置与电源管理,是 Intel、Microsoft 和东芝共同开发的一种电源管理标准

posted on 2016-11-19 17:13  未雨愁眸  阅读(226)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报