• Abortion Act:堕胎法;

1. 表达习惯

  • we employ him, not the other way round,
  • Officially,…,官方的说法是,Unofficially,….,私下,非官方
  • Fair enough,有道理;说得对;敢情好
  • Talk about *** and mean something else.
    • Talk about justice and mean something else.

2. 恰当的翻译

  • Well,you know,things happen. 世事难料;

3. 法律

  • bail:保释;
    • bail jumping:弃保潜逃 ; 保释中逃跑 ;
  • closed hearing:不开庭审理,秘密听证会;

4. 英美语差异

  • grand:一千,fourteen grand,14000;

5. 杂项单词

  • porter:门卫;
posted on 2016-12-02 22:12  未雨愁眸  阅读(378)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报