- clock is ticking.
- There are three million birds on this island, but only one matters to him.
1. 换种表达
- 富有,大量,
- be rich with:the surrounding sea, however, is particularly rich with life.
- time is running out. 剩的时间不多了;
- the clock is ticking.
- 排名第一,
- second to none.
- 排名第二:
- She can dive at 200 miles an hour, only a peregrine(游隼)is faster.
2. 一些表达
- the way I see it,看待问题的方式
- People think having a disability is a barrier, but that’s not the way I see it.
3. quote
- we must know, we will know.(David Hilbert)
- music is the science between notes. (法国作曲家德彪西)
- 音乐是音符间的静默;
- Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear—not absence of fear.—— 马克吐温;