1. bias/vairance

  • Trend # 1:Scale driving Deep Learning process.

2. feature learning 的方式

  • A common computer vision pipeline before 2012:
    • a. find interest points.
    • b. crop patches around them.
    • c. represent each patch with a sparse local descriptor.
    • d. combine the descriptors into a representation of the image.
  • neural networks are trainable pipelines:
    • 神经网络的组织架构本身(trainable pipelines)就能帮助我们驾驭:
      • training data((xn,yn)n=1,,N
      • parallel hardware
posted on 2016-12-07 15:36  未雨愁眸  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报