MCMC: The Gibbs Sampler
Marginal and conditional distributions of multivariate normal distribution
clear, clc
num_samples = 5000;
num_dims = 2;
mu = [0, 0];
rho(1) = .8; rho(2) = .8;
prop_sigma = 1;
minn = [-3, -3]; maxx = [3, 3];
x = zeros(num_samples, num_dims);
x(1, 1) = unifrnd(minn(1), maxx(1));
x(1, 2) = unifrnd(minn(2), maxx(2));
t = 1;
dims = 1:num_dims;
while t < num_samples
t = t + 1;
T = [t-1, t]; % 时刻信息的维护,T(1):上一时刻,T(2):下一时刻
for iD = 1:num_dims
not_idx = (dims ~= iD);
mu_cond = mu(iD) + rho(iD)*(x(T(iD), not_idx) - mu(not_idx));
sigma_cond = sqrt(1-rho(iD)^2);
x(t, iD) = normrnd(mu_cond, sigma_cond);
h1 = scatter(x(:, 1), x(:, 2), 'r.');
hold on
for t=1:50
plot([x(t, 1), x(t+1, 1)], [x(t, 2), x(t, 2)], 'k-'); % x 轴方向移动,
plot([x(t+1, 1), x(t+1, 1)], [x(t, 2), x(t+1, 2)], 'k-'); % y 轴方向移动;
h2 = plot(x(t+1, 1), x(t+1, 2), 'ko');
h3 = scatter(x(1, 1), x(1, 2), 'go', 'linewidth', 3);
legend([h1, h2, h3], {'Samples', '1st 50 samples', 'x(t=0)'}, 'location', 'northwest');
hold off;
xlabel('x_1'); ylabel('x_2')
axis square