Given a char array representing tasks CPU need to do. It contains capital letters A to Z where different letters represent different tasks.Tasks could 阅读全文
Given an integer array nums, find the sum of the elements between indices i and j (i ≤ j), inclusive. The update(i, val) function modifies nums by upd 阅读全文
Implement a MyCalendarThree class to store your events. A new event can always be added. Your class will have one method, book(int start, int end). Fo 阅读全文
Given a binary tree, find the length of the longest path where each node in the path has the same value. This path may or may not pass through the roo 阅读全文
There are N students in a class. Some of them are friends, while some are not. Their friendship is transitive in nature. For example, if A is a direct 阅读全文
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Note: There are at 阅读全文
In this problem, a tree is an undirected graph that is connected and has no cycles. The given input is a graph that started as a tree with N nodes (wi 阅读全文
In English, we have a concept called root, which can be followed by some other words to form another longer word - let's call this word successor. For 阅读全文
Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊ n/2 ⌋ times. You may assume that the 阅读全文
Given two strings s and t, write a function to determine if t is an anagram of s. For example,s = "anagram", t = "nagaram", return true.s = "rat", t = 阅读全文