

  1. advocate(倡导):To support or promote a particular view or action.

  2. augment(增加):To increase the extent or amount of something.

  3. undermine(破坏):To gradually weaken or impair the foundation or effect of something.

  4. innovation(创新):The introduction of new ideas or methods that drive change and progress.

  5. resilience(韧性):The ability to recover quickly or maintain stability in the face of difficulty, pressure, or adversity.

  6. scrutinize(仔细审查):To examine or inspect something in detail.

  7. articulate(表达清晰):To express ideas or views clearly and coherently.

  8. diverse(多样的):Having various different characteristics or features.

  9. feasible(可行的):Capable of being achieved or accomplished.

  10. obsolete(过时的):No longer in use or outdated due to new developments or technology.


Innovation is seen as key to enhancing societal resilience, with advocates emphasizing diversity and feasibility as crucial elements toward that end. However, rapid technological advancements may also gradually render certain approaches or notions obsolete. To ensure societal resilience in the face of challenges, a scrutiny of existing methods and a quest for novel solutions are imperative. Only through articulating and integrating diverse viewpoints and resources can we truly augment our societys innovative capacity, making it more resilient to face future challenges.



posted @ 2023-12-18 09:10  Luli&  阅读(6)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报