
English Luli




  1. phenomenon(现象):指一种普遍出现或引起注意的事物或事件。

  2. hypothesis(假设):指对某事物或现象的推测性解释,需要进一步验证。

  3. facilitate(促进):指使事情更加容易或顺利进行。

  4. coherent(连贯的):指事物或想法逻辑清晰,相互关联,构成一个整体。

  5. intricate(复杂的):指事物或情况非常复杂、错综复杂。

  6. exacerbate(加剧):指使某事物变得更加严重或恶化。

  7. fundamental(基本的):指某事物的基础或最重要的部分。

  8. contemplate(思考):指深思熟虑或认真考虑某事物。

  9. feasible(可行的):指某事物可能被实现或完成。

  10. paradox(悖论):指表面上似乎矛盾但却可能是真实的陈述或情况。


The intricate phenomenon of social media presents a paradox: while it facilitates global connectivity, it also exacerbates societal divides. Contemplating its fundamental impact on modern communication leads to a hypothesis that a coherent strategy could mitigate its negative effects. However, implementing such strategies might prove less feasible than initially assumed. Addressing this paradox requires an understanding of the intricate dynamics at play and a willingness to navigate through the complexities. By acknowledging these challenges, it becomes possible to develop innovative solutions that not only acknowledge but also harness the power of this phenomenon for positive societal change.



posted @ 2023-12-17 19:59  Luli&  阅读(5)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报