MongoDB 安全&安全检查列表



MongoDB provides various features, such as authentication, access control, encryption, to secure your MongoDB deployments. Some key security features include:


AuthenticationSCRAMx.509 Role-Based Access ControlEnable Access ControlManage Users and Roles TLS/SSL (Transport Encryption)Configure mongod and mongos for TLS/SSLTLS/SSL Configuration for Clients
Enterprise OnlyEncryption 
Kerberos AuthenticationLDAP Proxy AuthenticationEncryption at RestAuditing Client-Side Field Level Encryption  
身份认证 SCRAM x.509 基于角色的访问控制 启动访问控制 用户与角色管理 TLS/SSL (传输加密) 使用TLS/SSL配置mongod和mongos 为客户端配置TLS/SSL
Enterprise OnlyEncryption 
Kerberos 验证 LDAP 代理验证 静态加密 审计 客户端字段级加密  

Security Checklist


MongoDB also provides the Security Checklist for a list of recommended actions to protect a MongoDB deployment.


Last updated: 2019-12-05


This documents provides a list of security measures that you should implement to protect your MongoDB installation. The list is not meant to be exhaustive.


Pre-production Checklist/Considerations


➤ Enable Access Control and Enforce Authentication


Enable access control and specify the authentication mechanism. You can use MongoDB’s SCRAM or x.509 authentication mechanism or integrate with your existing Kerberos/LDAP infrastructure. Authentication requires that all clients and servers provide valid credentials before they can connect to the system.


See Authentication and Enable Access Control.


➤ Configure Role-Based Access Control

➤ 配置基于角色的访问控制

Create a user administrator first, then create additional users. Create a unique MongoDB user for each person/application that accesses the system.


Follow the principle of least privilege. Create roles that define the exact access rights required by a set of users. Then create users and assign them only the roles they need to perform their operations. A user can be a person or a client application.



A user can have privileges across different databases. If a user requires privileges on multiple databases, create a single user with roles that grant applicable database privileges instead of creating the user multiple times in different databases.



See Role-Based Access Control and Manage Users and Roles.


➤ Encrypt Communication (TLS/SSL)

➤ 加密通信(TLS/SSL)

Configure MongoDB to use TLS/SSL for all incoming and outgoing connections. Use TLS/SSL to encrypt communication between mongod and mongos components of a MongoDB deployment as well as between all applications and MongoDB.


Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB uses the native TLS/SSL OS libraries:


WindowsSecure Channel (Schannel)
Linux/BSD OpenSSL
macOS Secure Transport
Linux/BSD OpenSSL
macOS Secure Transport


Starting in version 4.0, MongoDB disables support for TLS 1.0 encryption on systems where TLS 1.1+ is available. For more details, see Disable TLS 1.0.


从4.0版本开始,在支持TLS1.1+的系统上,MongoDB会禁用TLS1.0加密。更多详细信息,请参阅 禁用TLS1.0.


➤ Encrypt and Protect Data


Starting with MongoDB Enterprise 3.2, you can encrypt data in the storage layer with the WiredTiger storage engine’s native Encryption at Rest.

从MongoDB 3.2企业版开始,你可以使用WiredTiger存储引擎的本地静态加密来加密存储层的数据。

If you are not using WiredTiger’s encryption at rest, MongoDB data should be encrypted on each host using file-system, device, or physical encryption (e.g. dm-crypt). Protect MongoDB data using file-system permissions. MongoDB data includes data files, configuration files, auditing logs, and key files.


Collect logs to a central log store. These logs contain DB authentication attempts including source IP address.


➤ Limit Network Exposure

➤ 限制网络暴露

Ensure that MongoDB runs in a trusted network environment and configure firewall or security groups to control inbound and outbound traffic for your MongoDB instances.


Allow only trusted clients to access the network interfaces and ports on which MongoDB instances are available. For instance, use IP whitelisting to allow access from trusted IP addresses (see )



Starting with MongoDB 3.6, MongoDB binaries, mongod and mongos, bind to localhost by default. From MongoDB versions 2.6 to 3.4, only the binaries from the official MongoDB RPM (Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora Linux, and derivatives) and DEB (Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives) packages would bind to localhost by default. To learn more about this change, see Localhost Binding Compatibility Changes.


从MongoDB 3.6开始,MongoDB的二进制文件:mongodmongos会默认绑定在localhost上。MongoDB 2.6到3.4版本,只有官方MongoDB RPM(Red Hat、CentOS、Fedora Linux和衍生品)和DEB(Debian、Ubuntu和衍生品)包中的二进制文件默认绑定在localhost。了解更多关于这个改变的信息,请参阅localhost绑定兼容变更


  • Network and Configuration Hardening

  • net.bindIp configuration setting

  • security.clusterIpSourceWhitelist configuration setting

  • authenticationRestrictions to specify per-user IP whitelist.


  • 网络和配置加固

  • net.bindIp配置设定

  • security.clusterIpSourceWhitelist配置设定

  • authenticationRestrictions为每个用户指定IP白名单

Disable direct SSH root access.

禁用直接SSH root访问。

➤ Audit System Activity


Track access and changes to database configurations and data. MongoDB Enterprise includes a system auditing facility that can record system events (e.g. user operations, connection events) on a MongoDB instance. These audit records permit forensic analysis and allow administrators to verify proper controls. You can set up filters to record specific events, such as authentication events.


See Auditing and Configure Auditing.

请参阅Auditing 和Configure Auditing

➤ Run MongoDB with a Dedicated User


Run MongoDB processes with a dedicated operating system user account. Ensure that the account has permissions to access data but no unnecessary permissions.


See Install MongoDB for more information on running MongoDB.


➤ Run MongoDB with Secure Configuration Options

➤ 使用安全的配置选项运行MongoDB

MongoDB supports the execution of JavaScript code for certain server-side operations: mapReduce and $where. If you do not use these operations, disable server-side scripting by using the --noscripting option on the command line.


Keep input validation enabled. MongoDB enables input validation by default through the net.wireObjectCheck setting. This ensures that all documents stored by the mongod instance are valid BSON.


SEE:Network and Configuration Hardening.


➤ Request a Security Technical Implementation Guide (where applicable)


The Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) contains security guidelines for deployments within the United States Department of Defense. MongoDB Inc. provides its STIG, upon request, for situations where it is required. Please request a copy for more information.


➤ Consider Security Standards Compliance


For applications requiring HIPAA or PCI-DSS compliance, please refer to the MongoDB Security Reference Architecture to learn more about how you can use the key security capabilities to build compliant application infrastructure.


Periodic/Ongoing Production Checks


Periodically check for MongoDB Product CVE and upgrade your products .


Consult the MongoDB end of life dates and upgrade your MongoDB installation. In general, try to stay on the latest version.


Ensure that your information security management system policies and procedures extend to your MongoDB installation, including performing the following:


  • Periodically apply patches to your machine and review guidelines.

  • Review policy/procedure changes, especially changes to your network rules to prevent inadvertent MongoDB exposure to the Internet.

  • Review MongoDB database users and periodically rotate them.

  • 定期对你的设备打补丁并且检查操作指南

  • 检查策略及流程变更,尤其是网络规则的更改,以防无意中将MongoDB暴露在互联网。

  • 检查MongoDB数据库用户并定期进行轮换。

posted @ 2021-12-30 10:22  Linux运维阿铭  阅读(63)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报