Objective C类方法load和initialize的区别


先来看看NSObject Class Reference里对这两个方法说明:总结一句话:+load 是在系统启动的时候会将项目中所有类加载进内存中,这时候会调用+load方法,此时,程序的main函数还没有执行,+initialize是类在第一次被创建的时候调用该方法



The runtime sends initialize to each class in a program exactly one time just before the class, or any class that inherits from it, is sent its first message from within the program. (Thus the method may never be invoked if the class is not used.) The runtime sends the initialize message to classes in a thread-safe manner. Superclasses receive this message before their subclasses.


The load message is sent to classes and categories that are both dynamically loaded and statically linked, but only if the newly loaded class or category implements a method that can respond.
The order of initialization is as follows:

All initializers in any framework you link to.
All +load methods in your image.
All C++ static initializers and C/C++ __attribute__(constructor) functions in your image.
All initializers in frameworks that link to you.
In addition:

A class’s +load method is called after all of its superclasses’ +load methods.
A category +load method is called after the class’s own +load method.
In a custom implementation of load you can therefore safely message other unrelated classes from the same image, but any load methods implemented by those classes may not have run yet.










类别中的定义 全都执行,但后于类中的方法 覆盖类中的方法,只执行一个
posted @ 2016-01-08 02:07  mshong  阅读(222)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报