【Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework】.学习笔记.8.SportsStore:管理


1 添加分类管理


1.1 创建CRUD Controller


1 publicclass AdminController : Controller 2 { 3 private IProductRepository repository; 4 5 public AdminController(IProductRepository repo) 6 { 7 repository = repo; 8 } 9 }

1.2 用Repository中的产品渲染一个Grid


1 public ViewResult Index() 2 { 3 return View(repository.Products); 4 }

1.2.1 Index action的单元测试


1 [TestMethod] 2 publicvoid Index_Contains_All_Products() 3 { 4 Mock<IProductRepository> mock =new Mock<IProductRepository>(); 5 mock.Setup(m => m.Products).Returns( 6 new Product[] { 7 new Product{ProductID=1,Name="P1"}, 8 new Product{ProductID=2,Name="P2"}, 9 new Product{ProductID=3,Name="P3"} 10 }.AsQueryable()); 11 12 //Arrange - create a controller13 AdminController target =new AdminController(mock.Object); 14 15 //Action16 Product[] result = ((IEnumerable<Product>)target.Index().ViewData.Model).ToArray(); 17 18 //Assert19 Assert.AreEqual(result.Length, 3); 20 Assert.AreEqual("P1", result[0].Name); 21 Assert.AreEqual("P2", result[1].Name); 22 Assert.AreEqual("P3", result[2].Name); 23 }

1.3 创建一个新视图


1 <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Admin.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>


1.3 实现List View

创建AdminController的Index方法的视图,选择强类型视图,模型类是Product,使用layout文件,选在刚刚建立的_AdminLayout布局文件。并将 scaffold view(支架模型)设为List。选择了List的支架,VS会假设你使用IEnumerable序列作为模型视图的类型。

1 @model IEnumerable<SportsStore.Domain.Entities.Product> 2 3 @{ 4 ViewBag.Title ="Index"; 5 Layout ="~/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml"; 6 } 7 8 <h1>All Products</h1> 9 10 <table class="Grid">11 <tr>12 <th>ID</th>13 <th>14 Name 15 </th>16 <th class="NumericCol">17 Price 18 </th>19 <th>20 Actions 21 </th>22 </tr>23 24 @foreach (var item in Model) { 25 <tr>26 <td>27 @item.ProductID 28 </td>29 <td>30 @Html.ActionLink(item.Name,"Edit",new{item.ProductID}) 31 </td>32 <td class="NumericCol">33 @item.Price.ToString("c") 34 </td>35 <td>36 @using(Html.BeginForm("Delete","Admin")){ 37 @Html.Hidden("ProductID",item.ProductID) 38 <input type="submit" value="Delete"/>39 } 40 </td>41 42 </tr>43 } 44 45 </table>46 <p>@Html.ActionLink("Add a new product","Create")</p>

1.4 编辑Products


  • 显示一个页面,允许管理员改变产品属性的值
  • 添加一个action方法,提交改变后处理

1.4.1 创建Edit Action方法

1 [TestMethod] 2 publicvoid Can_Edit_Product() 3 { 4 Mock<IProductRepository> mock =new Mock<IProductRepository>(); 5 mock.Setup(m => m.Products).Returns( 6 new Product[] { 7 new Product{ProductID=1,Name="P1"}, 8 new Product{ProductID=2,Name="P2"}, 9 new Product{ProductID=3,Name="P3"} 10 }.AsQueryable()); 11 12 //Arrange - create a controller13 AdminController target =new AdminController(mock.Object); 14 15 //Action16 Product p1 = target.Edit(1).ViewData.Model as Product; 17 Product p2 = target.Edit(2).ViewData.Model as Product; 18 Product p3 = target.Edit(3).ViewData.Model as Product; 19 20 //Assert21 Assert.AreEqual(1, p1.ProductID); 22 Assert.AreEqual(2, p2.ProductID); 23 Assert.AreEqual(3, p3.ProductID); 24 } 25 26 [TestMethod] 27 publicvoid Cannot_Edit_Nonexistent_Product() 28 { 29 Mock<IProductRepository> mock =new Mock<IProductRepository>(); 30 mock.Setup(m => m.Products).Returns( 31 new Product[] { 32 new Product{ProductID=1,Name="P1"}, 33 new Product{ProductID=2,Name="P2"}, 34 new Product{ProductID=3,Name="P3"} 35 }.AsQueryable()); 36 37 //Arrange - create a controller38 AdminController target =new AdminController(mock.Object); 39 40 //Action41 Product result = target.Edit(4).ViewData.Model as Product; 42 43 //Assert44 Assert.IsNull(result); 45 }

1.4.2 创建Edit视图


1 @model SportsStore.Domain.Entities.Product 2 3 @{ 4 ViewBag.Title ="Admin: Edit "+@Model.Name; 5 Layout ="~/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml"; 6 } 7 8 <h1>Edit @Model.Name</h1> 9 @using(Html.BeginForm()){ 10 @Html.EditorForModel() 11 <input type="submit" value="Save"/>12 @Html.ActionLink("Cancel and return to List","Index") 13 }

与手工地写每个label和inputs相比,我们调用Html.EditorForModel helper方法。这个方法请求MVC框架,创建编辑界面,它会检查模型的类型。EditorForModel很方便,但不能产生最吸引人的结果。我们不想让管理员看到或编辑ProductID属性,并且描述属性的文本框太小。

我们可以使用model metadate(模型元数据),给MVC框架致命怎样为属性创建编辑器。这允许我们,对属性使用特性,来影响Html.EditorForModel方法的输出。


1 publicclass Product 2 { 3 [HiddenInput(DisplayValue=false)] 4 publicint ProductID { get; set; } 5 6 publicstring Name { get; set; } 7 8 [DataType(DataType.MultilineText)] 9 publicstring Description { get; set; } 10 11 publicdecimal Price { get; set; } 12 publicstring Category { get; set; } 13 }


界面依然很简陋,我们可以使用CSS改善。当MVC框架为每个属性创建input fields,它指派不同的CSS classes。textarea元素上有class=”text-box multi-line”。我们改变它,在Content文件夹下更改Admin.css。页面模板视图助手EditorForModel不是总符合我们的需求,我们将会自定义。

1.4.3 更新Product Repository

要处理编辑前,我们得增强product repository,才能保存更改。给IProductRepository接口新增方法。

1 publicinterface IProductRepository 2 { 3 IQueryable<Product> Products { get; } 4 void SaveProduct(Product product); 5 }


1 publicvoid SaveProduct(Product product) 2 { 3 if(product.ProductID==0){ 4 context.Products.Add(product); 5 } 6 context.SaveChanges(); 7 }


1.4.4 处理Edit POST 请求

当管理员点击Save按钮,Edit action方法会处理POST请求。

1 [HttpPost] 2 public ActionResult Edit(Product product) 3 { 4 if (ModelState.IsValid) 5 { 6 repository.SaveProduct(product); 7 TempData["message"] =string.Format("{0} has been saved", product.Name); 8 return RedirectToAction("Index"); 9 } 10 else11 { 12 return View(product); 13 } 14 }

先检查模型绑定已经验证用户提交的输数据。如果一切OK,保存变更到repositoy,然后调用Index action方法,返回到产品列表页面。如果有问题,再次渲染Edit视图,让用户更正。

在我们保存变更到repository后,我们使用TempData特性存储一个消息。这是键值类型的字典,和session data和View Bag相似。关键的不同之处是TempData会在HTTP request最后被删除。

注意我们从Edit方法返回了ActionResult类型。之前偶们都是用ViewResult类型,ViewResult是派生自ActionResult,当你想让框架渲染一个视图的时候可以使用。然而,其他类型可以使用ActionResult,RedirectToAction就是其中的一个。我们在Edit action方法中,用它调用Index action方法。

在这种情况下,用户被重定向,我们可以使用VeiwBag。ViewBag在controller和view之间传递数据,它不能比当前HTTP请求更长时间地持有数据。偶们可以使用session data特性,但是消息会在偶们明确地移除它时才删除,我们不想这样做。所以,TempData特使非常适合。数据被限制为单一用户的session(所以用户看不到其他用户的TempData),并且存留到我们阅读它。我们会在视图被action方法渲染后阅读数据。

1.4.5 Edit提交的单元测试

我们要确保对Product有效的更新,模型绑定已经被创建,传递给product repository保存。我们也想检查无效的更新,不会传给repository。

1 [TestMethod] 2 publicvoid Can_Save_Valid_Changes() 3 { 4 //Arrange - create mock repository 5 Mock<IProductRepository> mock =new Mock<IProductRepository>(); 6 //Arrange - create the controller 7 AdminController target =new AdminController(mock.Object); 8 //Arrange - create the product 9 Product product =new Product { Name ="Test" }; 10 11 //Act - try to save the Product12 ActionResult result = target.Edit(product); 13 14 //Assert - check that the repository was called15 mock.Verify(m => m.SaveProduct(product)); 16 //Assert - check the method result type17 Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult)); 18 } 19 20 [TestMethod] 21 publicvoid Cannot_Save_Invalid_Changes() 22 { 23 //Arrange - create mock repository24 Mock<IProductRepository> mock =new Mock<IProductRepository>(); 25 //Arrange - create the controller26 AdminController target =new AdminController(mock.Object); 27 //Arrange - create a product28 Product product =new Product { Name ="Test" }; 29 //Arrange - add an error to the model state30 target.ModelState.AddModelError("error", "error"); 31 32 //Act - try to save the product33 ActionResult result = target.Edit(product); 34 35 //Assert - check that the repository was not called36 mock.Verify(m => m.SaveProduct(It.IsAny<Product>()), Times.Never()); 37 //Assert - check the method result type38 Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult)); 39 }

1.4.6 显示确认消息


1 <div>2 @if(TempData["message"]!=null){ 3 <div class="Message">@TempData["message"]</div>4 } 5 @RenderBody() 6 </div>


1.4.7 添加模型校验


1 publicclass Product 2 { 3 [HiddenInput(DisplayValue=false)] 4 publicint ProductID { get; set; } 5 6 [Required(ErrorMessage="Please enter a product name")] 7 publicstring Name { get; set; } 8 9 [Required(ErrorMessage="Please enter a description")] 10 [DataType(DataType.MultilineText)] 11 publicstring Description { get; set; } 12 13 [Required] 14 [Range(0.01,double.MaxValue,ErrorMessage="Please enter a positive price")] 15 publicdecimal Price { get; set; } 16 17 [Required(ErrorMessage="Please specify a category")] 18 publicstring Category { get; set; } 19 }


当使用Html.EditorForModel helper方法创建表单元素时,MVC框架会给inline加进markup和CSS。

1.4.8 启用客户端校验

MVC框架可以基于我们领域模型类中使用的data annotations执行客户端校验。这个特性默认启用,但是它还没有工作,因为哦我们没有添加必须的JavaScript库的链接。在_AdminLayout.cshtml文件上链接JavaScript库,可以在任何使用这个布局的页面上客户端校验。

1 <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.4.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>2 <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>3 <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>



1 HtmlHelper.ClientValidationEnabled = false; 2 HtmlHelper.UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled = false;


1 <configuration>2 <appSettings>3 <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="false"/>4 <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="false"/>5 </appSettings>6 </configuration>

1.5 创建新产品


1 public ViewResult Create() 2 { 3 return View("Edit", new Product()); 4 }


1 <form action="/Admin/Create" method="post">

此时Html.BeginForm默认产生的表单,action为条用它的action,即Create。只有action为Edit时,才能正常编辑。要修复这点,我们可以使用html.BeginForm helper方法的重载版本,来指定触发表单生成的action和congtroller是Edit和Admin。

1 Html.BeginForm("Edit","Admin") 2 <form action="/Admin/Edit" method="post">

1.6 删除Products


1 publicinterface IProductRepository 2 { 3 IQueryable<Product> Products { get; } 4 void SaveProduct(Product product); 5 void DeleteProduct(Product product); 6 } 7 publicvoid DeleteProduct(Product product) 8 { 9 context.Products.Remove(product); 10 context.SaveChanges(); 11 }

最后需要在AdminController中实现Delete action方法。这个方法必须仅支持POST请求,因为产出对象不是一个等幂操作。浏览器和缓存可以造出GET请求,而不用用户明确地同意。所以我们必须小心避免改变Get请求的结果。

1 [HttpPost] 2 public ActionResult Delete(int productId) 3 { 4 Product product = repository.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ProductID == productId); 5 if(product!=null){ 6 repository.DeleteProduct(product); 7 TempData["message"] =string.Format("{0} was deleted", product.Name); 8 } 9 return RedirectToAction("Index"); 10 }

1.6.1 删除产品的单元测试



1 [TestMethod] 2 publicvoid Can_Delete_Valid_Products() 3 { 4 // Arrange - create a Product 5 Product prod =new Product { ProductID =2, Name ="Test" }; 6 7 // Arrange - create the mock repository 8 Mock<IProductRepository> mock =new Mock<IProductRepository>(); 9 mock.Setup(m => m.Products).Returns(new Product[] { 10 new Product {ProductID =1, Name ="P1"}, 11 prod, 12 new Product {ProductID =3, Name ="P3"}, 13 }.AsQueryable()); 14 15 // Arrange - create the controller 16 AdminController target =new AdminController(mock.Object); 17 18 // Act - delete the product 19 target.Delete(prod.ProductID); 20 21 // Assert - ensure that the repository delete method was 22 // called with the correct Product 23 mock.Verify(m => m.DeleteProduct(prod)); 24 } 25 26 [TestMethod] 27 publicvoid Cannot_Delete_Invalid_Products() 28 { 29 30 // Arrange - create the mock repository 31 Mock<IProductRepository> mock =new Mock<IProductRepository>(); 32 mock.Setup(m => m.Products).Returns(new Product[] { 33 new Product {ProductID =1, Name ="P1"}, 34 new Product {ProductID =2, Name ="P2"}, 35 new Product {ProductID =3, Name ="P3"}, 36 }.AsQueryable()); 37 38 // Arrange - create the controller 39 AdminController target =new AdminController(mock.Object); 40 // Act - delete using an ID that doesn't exist 41 target.Delete(100); 42 43 // Assert - ensure that the repository delete method was 44 // called with the correct Product 45 mock.Verify(m => m.DeleteProduct(It.IsAny<Product>()), Times.Never()); 46 }
posted @ 2013-08-31 18:01  Reinhard_Hsu  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报