在你的大图链接中加入class=”miniImg artZoom”例:
<a class="miniImg artZoom" href="http://www.amostoys.com/images/460/graphics/hey.jpg"><img title="Mr.Think" src="http://www.amostoys.com/images/460/graphics/hey.jpg" alt="Zoom" /></a>
核心jQuery代码: 点此查看DEMO
- //原作者:唐斌www.planeart.cn/,由Mr.Think整理分享.感谢唐斌同学:)
- $(function(){
- var imgID = 0;
- $('a.artZoom').click(function(){
- var id = $(this).attr('rel');
- if(id == ''){
- id = imgID += 1;
- $(this).attr('id','artZoomLink-' +id);
- $(this).attr('rel',id)
- };
- var url = $(this).attr('href');
- $(this).append('<div class="loading" title="loading.."></div>');//loading
- function getImageSize(url,fn){
- var img = new Image();
- img.src = url;
- if (img.complete){
- fn.call(img);
- }else{
- img.onload = function(){
- fn.call(img);
- };
- };
- };
- getImageSize(url,function(){
- $('#artZoomLink-' +id+ ' .loading').remove();
- $('#artZoomLink-' +id).hide();
- if (id != '' && $('#artZoomBox-' +id).length == 0){
- var html = '';
- html += '<div class="artZoomBox" id="artZoomBox-' +id+ '" style="display:none">';
- html += ' <div class="tool"><a class="hideImg" href="#" rel="' +id+ '">收起</a><a class="imgLeft" href="#" rel="' +id+ '">向左转</a><a class="imgRight" href="#" rel="' +id+ '">向右转</a><a class="viewImg" href="#" rel="' +id+ '">新窗口打开</a></div>';
- html += ' <a href="' +url+ '" class="maxImgLink" id="maxImgLink-' +id+ '" rel="' +id+ '"> <img class="maxImg" width="' +this.width+ '" height="' +this.height+ '" id="maxImg-' +id+ '" src="' +url+ '" /> </a>';
- html += '</div>';
- $('#artZoomLink-' +id).after(html);
- };
- $('#artZoomBox-' +id).show('fast');
- });
- return false;
- });
- //让IE8在图片旋转后高度能被包含
- function IE8height(id){
- var w = $('#maxImg-' +id).outerWidth();
- var h = $('#maxImg-' +id).outerHeight();
- $('#artZoomBox-' +id+ ' a.maxImgLink').css('height','');
- if ($.browser.version == '8.0' && w > h) {
- var maxHeight = Math.max(w, h);
- $('#artZoomBox-' +id+ ' a.maxImgLink').css('height',maxHeight+ 'px');
- };
- };
- $('.artZoomBox a').live('click', function(){
- var id = $(this).attr('rel');
- //收起
- if($(this).attr('class') == 'hideImg' || $(this).attr('class') == 'maxImgLink') {
- $('#artZoomBox-' +id).hide('fast',function(){
- $('#artZoomLink-' +id).show();
- });
- };
- //左旋转
- if($(this).attr('class') == 'imgLeft') {
- IE8height(id);
- $('#maxImg-' +id).rotateLeft(90);
- };
- //右旋转
- if($(this).attr('class') == 'imgRight') {
- IE8height(id);
- $('#maxImg-' +id).rotateRight(90);
- };
- //新窗口打开
- if($(this).attr('class') == 'viewImg') window.open($('#maxImgLink-' +id).attr('href'));
- return false;
- });
- });
- jQuery.fn.rotate = function(angle,whence) {
- var p = this.get(0);
- // we store the angle inside the image tag for persistence
- if (!whence) {
- p.angle = ((p.angle==undefined?0:p.angle) + angle) % 360;
- } else {
- p.angle = angle;
- }
- if (p.angle >= 0) {
- var rotation = Math.PI * p.angle / 180;
- } else {
- var rotation = Math.PI * (360+p.angle) / 180;
- }
- var costheta = Math.cos(rotation);
- var sintheta = Math.sin(rotation);
- if (document.all && !window.opera) {
- var canvas = document.createElement('img');
- canvas.src = p.src;
- canvas.height = p.height;
- canvas.width = p.width;
- canvas.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11="+costheta+",M12="+(-sintheta)+",M21="+sintheta+",M22="+costheta+",SizingMethod='auto expand')";
- } else {
- var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- if (!p.oImage) {
- canvas.oImage = new Image();
- canvas.oImage.src = p.src;
- } else {
- canvas.oImage = p.oImage;
- }
- canvas.style.width = canvas.width = Math.abs(costheta*canvas.oImage.width) + Math.abs(sintheta*canvas.oImage.height);
- canvas.style.height = canvas.height = Math.abs(costheta*canvas.oImage.height) + Math.abs(sintheta*canvas.oImage.width);
- var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- context.save();
- if (rotation <= Math.PI/2) {
- context.translate(sintheta*canvas.oImage.height,0);
- } else if (rotation <= Math.PI) {
- context.translate(canvas.width,-costheta*canvas.oImage.height);
- } else if (rotation <= 1.5*Math.PI) {
- context.translate(-costheta*canvas.oImage.width,canvas.height);
- } else {
- context.translate(0,-sintheta*canvas.oImage.width);
- }
- context.rotate(rotation);
- context.drawImage(canvas.oImage, 0, 0, canvas.oImage.width, canvas.oImage.height);
- context.restore();
- }
- canvas.id = p.id;
- canvas.className = 'maxImg';//定义图片旋转后的className
- canvas.angle = p.angle;
- p.parentNode.replaceChild(canvas, p);
- }
- jQuery.fn.rotateRight = function(angle) {
- this.rotate(angle==undefined?90:angle);
- }
- jQuery.fn.rotateLeft = function(angle) {
- this.rotate(angle==undefined?-90:-angle);
- }
原文发布于Mr.Think的个人博客: http://mrthink.net/javascript-jquery-zoom-turnimg/ 转载请注明