C++中"was not declared in this scope"问题记录;以及通过正则表达式提取文件中数字的方法

 1 void Graph::InputListGene(bool TOG,int nbNodes,ifstream& f){
 2     string* line = new string[nbNodes];
 3     int count =0;
 4     while(!f.eof()){
 5         getline(f,line[count],';');
 6         count++;
 7     }
 8     for(int i=0;i<count;i++){
 9         Vertex *v = new Vertex(i);// to initialize
10         v->color = 0; //O black & 1 white
11         listVertex.push_back(v);
12     }
13     int p=0;
14     regex pattern_node("\\d+,\\d+");
15     for(int i=0;i<count;i++){
17     for(sregex_iterator it(line[i].begin(),line[i].end(),pattern_node),end;it!=end;it++){
18             char *cstr = new char[it->str().size()+1];
19             char delim[]=",";//splitter of the numbers
20             int dest,weight;
21             strcpy(cstr,it->str().c_str());//convert string to char
22             dest = atoi(strtok(cstr,delim));
23             weight = atoi(strtok(NULL,delim));
24             Vertex *v = new Vertex(dest);// to initialize
25             v->color = 0; //O black & 1 white
26             listVertex.push_back(v);
27             cout<<dest<<" "<<weight<<" ";
28             Edge *e = new Edge(p, listVertex[i],listVertex[dest],weight);
29     }
30     cout<<endl;
31     }
32 }
33 // in file "Graph.cpp"







11和26行之前碰到了was not declared in this scope 的问题,一开始很疑惑,在开头写了#include "Graph.h" ,而在Graph.h 文件中的类Graph中有public成员Vector<Vertex*> listVertex 。本以为用了include就能访问类成员。这里犯了一个低级错误。首先需要把函数声明为类的成员函数,然后在定义函数时在函数名前加上操作域解析符Graph:: 这样才能在函数中访问类的成员。














posted @ 2019-11-15 05:38  略略略——  阅读(7170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报